Sunday 30 August 2015

It's been a while Sunday

Like yesterday, I woke up much later than I anticipated. After wolfing down breakfast AND lunch (which wasn't my smartest decision), I headed to Clear One to play badminton. The last time I recall playing was in April, so I was pretty rusty. It didn't help that my left heel is still cracked, making it a bit harder to play due to some slight pain/itch/possibly placebo.

After coming back from badminton, I proceeded to work on my RG Zeta. I started it yesterday by completing the right leg. Today, I managed to finish the left leg. It isn't a hard build so far. I'm also enjoying the dual whites they provide for you to build with. Since I didn't paint the whites, it makes markering a lot easier since I'm able to clean mistakes (and make smaller panel lining) with my fingers (ie: finger sweat) than with sand paper or eraser.

After building the final leg, I proceeded to work on some notes for class. Vacation time does wonders to rejuvenate a tired body and mind! =)

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