Wednesday 12 August 2015

Day 29 - Kamakura and Yokohama

I believe this was the very first time that I went to bed when the sun was starting to/about to rise. I didn't finish doing laundry till around 3:30ish (falling asleep at 4:35ish) since the dryer kept on going past the slotted 90 minute mark.  

After sleeping for a couple hours, we got up and went to the train station to catch the train to Kamakura. Unlike the day before, there was no delay. 

Upon arrival at Kamakura station, we noticed how busy it was with tourists flocking the place. I had some trouble with my Passmo card, but we eventually made it to the private line to reach our Hase station. From there, we walked about 10 minutes to see the great Daubatsu (giant Buddha). Unlike the temple that used to house it, it survived many disasters. 

We got the chance to enter the Buddha. It was extremely cramped and hot inside, but interesting. It was neat to see how parts of the Buddha were held together. 

After buying some souvenirs, we headed to a hiking trail. It took us a while, but we managed to find one and started to hike. However, we stopped about 2 minutes in because the trails were extremely narrow and covered with branches. Not wanting to get scratches or mysterious bug bites,we headed back down the trail and back to the train station.  

Since we had more time due to the cancellation of the hike, we headed to Yokohama (size it's on the same line). Yokohama was quite interesting. We went to the Cup Noodle Museum to see if we could make our very own cup noodle. Unfortunately, tickets were all sold out for the event. We were able to tour the museum and even the Baazar upstairs to sample various dishes that used instant noodles. I got myself a Chinese Beef Ramen, which was very delicious. 

After the museum, we headed to... Another Pokemon Centre! It was smaller than the one in Ikebukuro, though it had what we were looking for: Pokémon cards. We each bought a bunch of boosters and travelled to other shops within the mall. 

Once we were satisfied, we headed back out to find a different, more scenic path back to the train station. We had a detour at an UFO arcade, where one of us won a plushie, before heading down a path beside the river. It reminded me of Eiverfront back at home, though this path had music in the background. 

After arriving back at our station, we headed for a quick supper before heading back to our hotel to open up our Pokémon cards. To my delight, I got a Charizard card! It really brought back memories to when my mom used to buy us booster packs and when we got ourselves a Charizard card as well!

And that's it for today! The next couple of days should be interesting since its Obon!

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