Saturday 1 August 2015

Day 18 - Naruto

I managed to wake up on time today! We had a quick breakfast and headed to the train station for Naruto. 

Naruto is located in the next prefecture, Tokushima. It was the first time I was able to stay awake on a train as we went from Takamatsu station to Ikenotani station. The Oceanside/seaside view was amazing. As we approached Naruto station, we missed our bus by 4 minutes! We had it timed so we'll make it to our destination in time to see the world renown whirlpools at its peak. 

Since the next bus wasn't for an hour, we looked for a nearby restaurant, to no avail. We stopped by a family mart and purchased food there. There were some quick nutrition bars that I never seen before. They turned out to be surprisingly pleasant in taste!

After waiting for the bus, with it being delayed for about 10 minutes, we headed to a pier to catch a ferry to the whirlpools. Unfortunately, we were stuck on the lower level, thus not being able to see the whirlpools as nicely as we could have possibly seen them. Nevertheless, we saw some while enjoying the salt water breeze. 

After returning back to the pier, we awaited the bus to take us back to Naruto station. We caught the train back and made a stop just before Takamatsu station so that we can grab conveyor belt sushi. It was a very long walk, though I guess nothing could beat that long walk ok Osaka!

After eating, we proceeded back to the station in the dark. For the first time in my life, we saw bats flying around in the dark. It's unlike the movies in which you can hear them echo locate. I swear I could have heard some kind of squeal, but it's probably my imagination. 

And that marks today! Off to Kochi tomorrow morning, bright and early as a matter of fact! Therefore it's time for bed!

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