Sunday 16 August 2015

Day 33 - Harajuku and Familiar Sights

Day 33. 

Woke up, ate and proceeded to head to Ikebukuro for a couple more Pokémon cards. Before leaving the district, we stopped at Tokyo Hands to purchase some last minute stuff. 

We travelled to Harajuku next. We found the Yakuniku place that we visited last year. It was as delicious as last year's and I was pleased to see a wall of famous celebrities that ate at that location. I wasn't able to catch a glimpse of any celebrities this time around, but maybe on my next trip!

We visited a couple of stores in Harajuku before proceeding to Shinjuku for one last time. We ate at an interesting camp-themed restaurant and went to the arcades. After that was all said and done, we headed back to our hotel. 

Not an extraordinary day, but a nice relaxed day. Tomorrow will be long...

So many people!

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