Saturday 8 August 2015

Day 25 - Back to Tokyo

We got up and downloaded the new quests for MH4U -- White Fatalis. It wasn't as hard as I expected it to be!

After completing the quest, we packed up and got ready to take the Super Azusa train to Shinjuku. It was a 2 hr and 25 minute ride, though I was able to catch some shut eye. We passed through my dad's hometown station on the way. It brought back memories of the past-- way back to when I was in grade 4 and my grandpa was waiting at the end of the stairs. 

When we arrived at Shinjuku, we took the Yamanote line down one stop to Shin-Okube. Our hotel was off on a side street, which was nice since the Main Street is consistently busy. Upon arrival the front desk person told us that our rooms were ready (2 hrs ahead of schedule) and helped me move my luggage upstairs. I was amazed by how efficiently the desk person was able to move my luggage. It must have weighed at least 55 pounds, and she carried it up two flight of stairs!

Great service and our rooms turned out to be small and cozy. After admiring our rooms, we headed out to our destination: Akihabara. 

Akihabara is one of my favorite districts in Tokyo. There's so much tech stuff that I can probably spend a week here and not see everything! We hit up a bunch of anime stores as well, and of course, gundams. I was able to locate pretty much all the kits I wanted to buy this time around!

At around 7, we had an unagi dinner up on Yodabashi's 8th floor. It was alright, though not worth the 3100 yen we each paid. After dinner, we headed to a couple more model/anime stores. We found an arcade which had Initial D, so we spent some time there before heading back. The trains were of course, quite busy like usual in Tokyo. 

After arriving back to our hotel, I prepared my back for tomorrow. It's going to be a long, but fun day tomorrow! Off to sleep since its past 1 AM here and I need to get up early!

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