Thursday 6 August 2015

Day 23 - Kurobe Gorge

I had troubles sleeping, thus it was harder than normal to wake up this morning. When I did manage to wake up, we had a quick breakfast before heading to the station to catch a bullet train to Kurobe. 

At Kurobe, we took a train that led us to Unazaki station, which was the starting trail to the Kurobe Gorge! The gorge was created by water weathering and eroding the rocks in the mountains. We took a scenic train that took 80 minutes to get from Unazaki station to the other end (around 2-3 km if I'm not mistaken). At the other end, we hiked upon a trail to see if we can find a specific area. The hike took a good 45 minutes or so, and we ended up in a pleasant area. Unfortunately, I don't believe it was what we were looking for. Nevertheless, I was satisfied and we headed back to the station. 

The entire hike was pleasant since the weather/climate on the mountain was pleasantly warm; unlike the humid hot that we were accustomed to over the past 3 weeks. Back at the station, we took the scene of train back to Unazaki. 

Once we arrived back at Kanazawa, we went to the department store once again for supper. This time, we had okonomiyaki. We were extremely hungry since we practically skipped lunch for our daytime excursion today. 

And that's pretty much it! Our time in Kanazawa is over. It's such a pleasant place with a rustic feel. I'll definitely come back to visit again in the future!

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