Friday 14 August 2015

Day 31 - Tsukiji, Ginza, Kappabashi, Asakasa, Akihabara, Ikebukuro and Shinjuku

Busy busy day! We started off by going to Tsukiji Market, by taking a train to a station before heading to the Ginza station. From there, we proceeded by subway to Tsukiji. 

Most of the market was closed because of Obon, but we were ushered in by an elderly woman to eat at Tsukiji Sushi Sen. 

My lunch was expensive, 10 piece recommendation of the day, deluxe Chirashidon and two different pieces of the fattest tori they had. However, it was one of the best sushi i ever had. The rice was simply magnificent and the service was awesome! I was extremely stuffed at the end, but I was pleasantly pleased with my meal. 

Afterwards. We headed to Ginza to head to Itoya. It was where I picked up most of my stationary from last time. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the pens from the newly relocated Itoya store. Disappointed, we headed to our next destination.

Kappabashi, a street filled with stuff that restaurants use (fake food for advertising, pots, pans, etc) was long and would possibly look awesome... If only stores were open. Unfortunately, most of the stores were closed so we just proceeded to our next stop: Askasa. 

I want to participate in the floating-lantern Hong tomorrow, so we gathered more information from the Askasa Tourist Center. After gathering info, we headed off to Akihabara once again to look for some items. 

We spent a little over an hour purchasing left over things. Once that was done, we headed over to Ikebukuro once again towards the Pokémon Centre to look for a limited edition Pikachi doll that o saw during my last visit. Unfortunately, they were sold out and the lines was EXTRMELEY long. I would imagine it would take at least an hour to pay for 
Any goods if we were to purchase them. 

I headed to the nearby Tonyo Hands to purchase stationary, which fortunately they had. Once that was done, we headed to Shinjuku for dinner. 

We located a ramen shop that had a unique dish: tomato based soup ramen. After you eat the ramen, you're supposed to pour the soup onto a bowl of plain rice. It was an interesting experience to say, though the cheese in the soup didn't really pleased palette I have to say. 

Once that was done, we headed to arcades to look for a particular prize. It was extremely tiring, but we eventually found it. I even won my first arcade prize, though much of the credit goes to one of the staff members who reset the position of the Rilakkuma doll to make it almost impossible to not get. 

And that was pretty much it for today! I'm looking forward to participating in and seeing the festivities that will take place later today!

Moth at our station. It was pretty big. 

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