Tuesday 25 August 2015


Calgary's currently being blanketed by smoke due to a forest fire in Washington. The air has certainly been hazier than normal. I guess a positive note from having my nose restuffed (after coming back from Japan), is that I cannot really smell the smoke... or I have became accustomed to the smoke...

Either way, I managed to finish painting all of my RG kits. 4 kits (Zeta, Destiny, Wing and 00). I mostly left the white alone in the kits, since they came in two tones. Despite that however, it still took me a good part of my morning and early afternoon to finish.

As for the evening, I went out for dinner and bubble tea. I believe I'm all ready to start work tomorrow! =D

Huge dragonfly! If you can't see it, focus on the... Support beam (?)/frame closest to your eyes. I haven't seen dragonflies this big in Canada. The last big one I saw were in Japan!

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