Monday 10 August 2015

Day 27 - Productive Day in Kawagoe and Ikebukuro

Probably it was due to the heat, but I ended up waking up a couple times through the night. I eventually got up at 5 AM and scrolled on my phone until I fell asleep again till 6ish. 

When I awoke, my aunt made us a delicious breakfast of rice, vegetables, natto, and a variety of meat dishes. There was fruit for desert: peaches, plums and more delicious grapes. I was extremely stuffed at the end of the meal. 

After breakfast, my aunt, my brother and I went out for a brief walk with her dogs. It was about 7 AM, but the air was already humid. Throughout the neighbourhood, we met more dogs. It almost seemed like all of my aunt's acquaintances in her neighbourhood had a dog or two!

After the walk, we got ready to depart to Kawagoe. It wasn't too far of a drive and my uncle found parking close o or first destination: Kitain temple. Connected to the temple was a showcase of the third shogun's place of birth. It was an interesting experience to have visited the two places. 

Afterwards, we headed to the merchant street, which housed an old bell tower. After the tower, it led to s museum that described the many floats used within their festivals. We ventured among the exhibitions and stopped within a theatre. There, a tour guide explained to us, in English, about the various aspects of the festival and the floats used. It's hard to believe that these floats could weigh up to five tonnes!

After the museum, our relatives took us among the streets for sweets. After a walk, we headed down to an unagi restaurant: one of the best within the town. The long line ahead of us seemed to prove that point. 

The restaurant was indeed posh inside and I felt out of place in a t-shirt and shorts. Nevertheless, we were treated well and the unagi meal was pretty good. I'm not much of an unagi person, so I cannot say with certainty that this restaurant deserves its rank. I was pretty satisfied after the meal and had troubles walking afterwards for a bit. 

We went shopping for a bit afterwards before we headed to Kawagoe station to head back to our hotel. After a brief see-you-soon, my brother and I headed for our train. Like last year, we had a lot of fun, though it was a sad farewell. I'm sure though that we will meet again enventually!

After we got back to our hotel, we headed out to Ikebukuro to find a particular shop. We found the shop, but not the item we were looking for. After giving up hope, we ended up going to sunshine city: a city within a city. It had residential areas and a mall all in one building essentially. 

At Sunshine City, we found a Pokémon Centre! It was quite busy compared to what I remembered last year. We bought a couple purchases and essentially waited for our friends to find us. After week, we went downstairs to find the Pokémon Cafe. 

Like any cafes in Japan, you're mostly there for the atmosphere. It had a nice friendly atmosphere, and the food tasted a lot better than I expected. After our meal, we headed back to the Pikemon Centee to purchase more booster packs because the first three my brother bought wasn't nearly enough. 

After our purchases, we headed back to our hotel o check our cards. After gloating, cheering and sighing, we left to Seek out Square Wnix's Artnia Cafe. I wanted to purchase a Lightning XIII-3 verisimilitude, that I should have bought last year, but they didn't have it in stock anymore. With nothing interesting left to look at, we left and walked back to our hotel to look for dinner. 

And that's pretty much it for today! So many memories were formed today. Off to day trips starting tomorrow!

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