Tuesday 31 January 2012


I haven't been able to post the last couple days, due to the fact that I was working on a couple of papers for Education. I finished one paper for Monday... just this last one (for now) for Thursday. =( However, I do find it easier to write papers now, since we had a lot of practice from first semester! Also, I feel like blogging has helped me shape my ideas, which in turn, makes it easier for me to put my thoughts onto paper faster.

Soooo... besides class, I have a Calgary Reads training session. It was the second training session for us tutors. The first two hours (roughly) mainly consisted of Q&A. The last 45 minutes or so was spent on teaching us more techniques we could use with our buddies. I don't think I'll be able to incorporate them tomorrow during volunteering, but I sure hope I can by next week!

Today also marks the day where Final Fantasy XIII-2 comes out for the PS3/XBOX 360 in North America. My brother went to pick up a copy that he pre-ordered a couple weeks ago. FF XIII wasn't my favorite final fantasy, but it had extremely good graphics. Also, I really enjoyed the battle system in FF XIII and it seems like XIII-2 uses the same system, but upgraded. I wanted to start playing it today, but I have my History of Science paper to write... (2 pages done pretty much! 2 more to go, since the last page is for references =P).

I'm pooped, so it's off to bed for me! Here's a picture of the game! Since my brother preordered it from Best Buy, they threw in a little book with the game. I haven't had the time to read it yet, but I hope to find some time tomorrow morning to do so!

 Still in its shrink-wrap!

Oh, and I'll post my review on Soredemo Ikite Yuku soon... Hopefully this weekend!

Friday 27 January 2012

Big Day!

Woke up later than I would like, but I managed to get some work done! First of all, I finished my 408 responses. I started working on them yesterday, but didn't post since I felt like I was just BSing my way through... like my work was the BS of BS...

Once that was done, I watched my drama. I finished the last two episodes of the series. It was quite an emotional drama and one of the best I ever seen so far, thus I'm going to write a review for it tomorrow! =)

Once I was done dramaing (and vacuuming), I continued working on my 407 paper. I was stuck on my topic of privilege, but lucky for me that a friend was able to give some great ideas! (And for my 409 paper as well!!) After getting nearly a page done, I went and got ready to go out for Bro Night.

Soooo.... we first went to Chinook for one of the bros needed to find a suit. After we were done looking around, we went to Macleod Sushi and BBQ (I think that's the name of the place) to go eat. Unfortunately, the line up was too long, so we just ended up going back to Sushi Ichiban. Since I was hungrier than usual, I ate quite a bit today. I'm sure gonna need those workouts for this upcoming week!

To end off today's post, here's a picture of what I normally don't get at All You Can Eat =P
Salmon Cheek. It's pretty tasty! =)

Thursday 26 January 2012


I seem to be having troubles sharing the link onto my facebook page! Hopefully it'll work today =P

I didn't blog last night since I was so tired coming home and due to the fact that I was working on a paper...

Well today was an interesting day. I started off with a workout. I did a lot of chest and back yesterday, so I focused on arms today. It feels... weird getting back to using weights? The last time I did proper weights, like with proper exercises, was in grade 12...

After working out, I had my specialization class. Today, we discussed about collaboration and how it's important in science. Like they say, 2+2 =5! We had a couple activities that dealt with collaboration, such as designing a Rube Goldberg machine (a machine that is ridiculously complex, but made out of simple machines like levers, pulleys, ramps, etc), and a concept map using words taken from the junior high science curriculum. I had to say that it was a pretty fun class, since we weren't just sitting there listening to the prof talk the entire time.

For 410, we moved to another classroom. This is my first classroom in the Earth Science building! It had a pretty nice view on the 9th floor. We were discussing topics like how to converse the idea of a word, to an object. Simply (or more formally I guess?) put, learning concepts for certain contexts. The example we used was a young elementary student learning the word "sphere" when she holds up a ball-like object. She was unaware that it was a sphere, but she knew that it was not a circle (even though it looks like a circle). Afterwards, we had to design an experiment that coincide with the idea of learning concepts for certain contexts. In this case, it was to do with refractions. We had to design an experiment that explained to students the idea that a pencil doesn't physically bend when submerged in water, even though it looks like it has!

And that was my school day! Too tired to write my papers, so I think I'll just go watch episode 9 of my drama =P

For today's picture, here is a picture of what I ate yesterday at school. Korean BBQ has added some new side dishes to their menu. =P

Tuesday 24 January 2012


Just finished watching episode 8 of my drama! The culprit met with the victim's mother! That was a pretty tense/awkward situation for sure! More about this drama series when I'm done!

Bright and early today! For 407 lecture, there was the discussion on LGBT in society. The lecture was slightly different than the seminar, probably because there was less time. However, I felt that I learnt a little bit more on learning how to create a classroom that would provide a safe environment for all. I even saw my Grade 12 English teacher speaking about the work she has done in the field! It was nice to see her again!

408 seminar was interesting for we discussed the type of learner/teacher we are, based on five different principles: Liberal, Behaviourist, Progressive, Humanistic and Radical. I always thought I was more liberal (which is ironic in name, since it's more about traditional style of teaching), but it turns out that I'm more behaviourist (focussing on hands on experience if i remember correctly), and progressive (problem solving).

Ah, well I better enjoy this week to the fullest for next week is going to be crazy... In other words, I should start my papers and maybe get reading for my group project... Yay...

Didn't take a suitable picture today, so here's a video I found on pokememe! It was quite well made! Pikachu being rick-rolled... or is Pikachu doing the rick-rolling? =P

Monday 23 January 2012

Weird Hair...

Not washing my hair feels extremely odd this year... (apparently, it's a Chinese tradition to not wash their hair on Lunar New Years, since it washes away your luck!). It's not a greasy feeling, but more like I never knew my hair could stand up/stick out like that...

Well, today marks Lunar New Years in Canada! The year of the Water Dragon. To be honest, I wonder how many more babies will be born this year because of the zodiac animal associated with this year. =P

School was pretty much normal. We had a special presentation from a master's student and a professor from UofA to discuss the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/sexual). The presentation taught us a little bit on the LGBT community and how we could possibly teach those students who identify themselves as LGBT. I felt that their presentation was a little bit short on information, but that was probably due to the fact that they're going to come in tomorrow to present during lecture. 

For 406 today, we finished discussing the Edelman book. I'm a little bit confused still with what's going on with the lecture, but I guess I will understand in due time. I just have to open up my notes and re-read them again!

As for my papers... that 5 page paper and that 10 page paper (5 pages single space)... well I got started on one of them? 

Since it is Lunar New Year, my aunt brought some Ponkans (large tangerines), here's a picture of one of them. So gooooooooood

Sunday 22 January 2012

Happy Lunar New Years!

As a friend explained quite well on facebook, not only do Chinese people celebrate this wonderful time of the year!

Today was a pretty ordinary day. I went to a friend's house and played Gundam Extreme VS for the PS3. I have to say it was really enjoyable! There were quite a number of gundams that I was not familiar with, so I went with 00 Qan [T], 00, Exia, Strike Freedom, Wing Gundam Zero Custom (omg... it was so nice in the game... makes me want to redo my MG Wing gundam), and some mole like gundam/zaku class type mobile suit from the original series. I think we played that game for like 3.5 hours straight!

The fighting style reminds me most of the DBZ games, due to the fact that you fly around a large area of land to fight opponents. Unlike DBZ fighters, there's the option of multiplayer play, where you and a friend can fight different types of opponents.

Oh, and did I mention how nice the graphics were on that game?? I'm inclined to get my own copy of the game now. =P

Since I'm not sure what else to write for today, I'm going to end it for now:

Saturday 21 January 2012


^ That's how I feel like today. So groggy from last night! I guess I'm not as young as I used to be. My left ear is still ringing >_<. It was a lot better now than this morning though!

Anyways... I had no volunteering today since the west entrance at PLC is busted and thus a cold draft can waft towards the piano. I'm not complaining since I could use the few extra hours of sleep! I woke up numerous times during the night to grab drinks of water. I finally was able to get in a solid two hours of sleep from around 9:30ish, till my brother woke me up at 11:40. I recall feeling extremely fatigued, but luckily just mostly that (plus the ringing...)

Work was alright today. Since this week marks Chinese New Years, there weren't a lot of students today. I mostly just sat there helping my two usual students since I couldn't muster enough brain power to mark... I even had troubles figuring out that 12-4 =8...

I guess my boss realized that, so he allowed my brother and I to leave early. Instead of going home, I asked my bro to go eat pho, since I didn't have lunch at all. I got an XL bowl that had... umm... I believe beef slices, tripe and intestines(?). It really helped my fatigue, though I can't say it really helped my thirst!

When I got home... well I couldn't do any work so I just sat on my computer and scrolled the net, played SC and watched my dramas. There's always tomorrow! Since there is no karate tomorrow morning, I have pretty much the whole day to study! YAY,,,,,

Here's a picture of the pho I had today. I just remembered about 10 minutes in that I needed a picture for my post today, so don't mind how my bowl looks. It was a lot nicer looking before I dug in!

Thursday 19 January 2012

So dark!

I'm actually posting this in my bed, getting ready for sleep! I was playing SC2, just before bedtime, thus thinking I was initially too tired to blog.

Enough rambling. Time to get started! I woke up bright and early today for school. I had 409 and 410 today. Lots of science talk! Also, my group finished our concept map for 406. First assignment of this semester is finished!

That's pretty much it. My hands are cramping up earlier than usual. I wonder if you can even see today's picture...

It's supposed to be my ceiling. Lol oh complete fail =P. Good Night World!!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

High Tech Clickers

Today marks the first day of 2012 that I went back to volunteer for Calgary Reads. It seemed like my reading buddy/child practiced a lot of reading during the winter break because he's so much more proficient today!

When I got home from volunteering, I cracked open my 408 course reading pack and started reading the 2nd article. It was a more interesting read than the first, but I don't feel like I absorbed a lot from that reading...

Since I start school late today, I went to go workout again before class. Today, I did more weights than cardio. It's been a while, so I feel sore from it. =P After working out, I wondered why I even showed up to school when it's so cold outside. Luckily I came to school today though.

I have to say that my favorite professor so far for this semester is 408. She manages to make class seem to fly by, compared to my other courses at the moment. She had a touching story about education, in that it doesn't matter how long, or what order you do it, education is education. It is like saying that living life is always a learning experience. Her story involved her own life, and how she went back to school later in life to study adult education.

Also, in 408 today, we used clickers. They were unlike the clickers that I used for my bio science degree, for they resembled palm pilots with a full qwerty keyboard. Here's a picture of it

Tuesday 17 January 2012

So Sweet

Boo for early morning classes, but I guess it's a lot better than having late evening classes...

I started off my day with 407. Today, we had two guest speakers: a fellow classmate and, who I believe is a professor at the University (or was she an advisor at the CBE...). Anyways, we started off lecture with an Aboriginal story of the Creator and the Four Sisters, who later became Earth, Air, Water and Fire. That led into a discussion of "multiplicity", where students of different backgrounds learn to function with one another. (That was the main message I got from the lecture).

For 408 seminar, we spent time learning about community teaching, in where you learn how to work with your fellow group mates (in a small group) via common interests. In my group, we shared information about ourselves and some interesting tid bits. I was very disappointed to find that it seems like nobody else in my group likes dark chocolate =(

Too end of today's post
Cider that I got from Good Earth, at the first floor of Taylor Digital Library. It was my first cider without alcohol in it. =P

It was very sweet though... I probably won't get it again >_>

Monday 16 January 2012

Mind Blowing

2nd week of school! It's been a cold start to the week =P.

In 407 seminar today, we had a discussion on racism and White privilege. To be honest, I never thought of white people having privileges growing up. It is true that I encountered racism/discrimination from others, but I never thought of this as being "empowerment". What really struck me though, was the little exercise we did at the end of class. Pretty much, the class stood against a wall while the professor asked us questions like "If you didn't have to take transit to come to school, step forward 1 step" to some like "If you ever had a servant that was Coloured, step forward 2 steps". At the end of the exercise, the vast majority of Caucasians were furthest away from the wall, while people of Colour were near, or even at the wall. This made me see what White privilege was potentially, though I still have some difficulty in establishing the concept for I feel that even though I'm Asian, I still have some privileges... but it could be due to the fact that I'm male?

For 406, we talked about consciousness and how it was established. Like 401 last semester, 406 is a mind-blowing class... so that's all I can recall from it! I'll have to review my notes tomorrow...

To end of my post, here's today's picture of the day
 I haven't seen this all winter yet I believe!

Sunday 15 January 2012

David's Top 5 Japanese Detective/Mystery Dramas

After reading my 407 book (topic was Racism) for a couple of hours, my brain finally gave up on me. To help/injure me more, I decided to start writing my blog now! If it doesn't make much sense, I blame it on my book!!

Growing up, I was a fan of detective stories. I used to read the Boxcar Children series, which involved a family of 4 formally orphaned siblings that solved mysteries together. When my mom found out that I enjoyed reading mysteries, she went out to buy a whole bunch of the Hardy Boys series (about 35 of them from Costco). Unfortunately for her, I never found them interesting, so I stopped reading the first book after the first couple of pages. I believe they're collecting dust somewhere down in my basement...

So why Japanese detective dramas? I watched my first detective drama when I was in high school. The series, Trick, was pretty clever, as the main characters go around solving mysteries. That led to me watching a whole whack of detective dramas afterwards! Now, let's get started! Once again, all my pictures and synopsis are from drama-wiki (wiki.d-addicts.com)

At number 5: Trick/Trick 2/Trick 3

Starring: Nakama Yukie and Abe Hiroshi 

Synopsis: Although 23 year old Yamada Naoko is a "super" magician, she is continously fired and constantly hounded by her landlady for the rent being late. After being fired once again, her boss shows her an ad of a physics professor, a non-believer of all things magical, offering money to anyone who can prove to him that magic is real. Desperately needing the money, Naoko accepts the challenge, which is how she comes to meet Professor Ueda. Falling prey to her simple magic tricks, Ueda is impressed, and enlists Naoko to help him uncover the tricks behind a local cult. Their hilarious antics, along with those of police officer Yabe, leads them onto further mysteries, all with tricks needing to be solved in sort of an "X-Files" meets "Scooby-Doo"...

Rationale: This was the drama series I was talking about in the intro. I watched the first season of Trick when I was in high school. All I can say is that it's a HILARIOUS series, besides all the mystery behind it. Nakama and Abe have great chemistry as the magician and professor respectively. Most of the cases dealt with "supernatural" forces, but for the most part, it was due to some kind of magician trick. Now you may wonder why I would rank my first drama so low, well it was due to the fact that the story line was made in the early 2000s, so it felt "old" to me; I couldn't really relate to it. 

Just a position shy from a medal: Control ~Hanzai Shinri Sousa~ (Criminal... profiling? I don't know... )

Starring: Matsushita Nao and Fujiki Naohito

Synopsis: Segawa Rio, a quick-acting detective, gets transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police’s Violent Crimes Division after she got shot during her previous case. She is made to work together with Nagumo Jun, a level-headed but eccentric psychology professor whose skills at behavioral analysis are the key to tracking down the criminals. There's also Teranishi Kei, a shy young detective who's had a crush on Segawa since their days at the academy...

Rationale: Matsushita played the role of the detective while Fujiki was the psychology professor. I enjoyed watching this show since they described various psychology aspects that I previously learnt in class. (ie: Bystander Effect, Cognitive Dissonance, etc). The cases though, didn't seem as intricate as other detective/mystery dramas. This didn't mean that it was a crappy story line, just not as interesting as the others on my list!

Bronze: MR. BRAIN

Starring: Kimura Takuya and Ayase Haruka

Synopsis: Tsukumo Ryusuke is a quirky, yet brilliant neuroscientist working for the National Research Institute of Police Science. Wielding a unique perspective and psychology, Tsukumo tackles the nation's most baffling crimes and scandals, going head-to-head with the most brilliant and twisted criminal minds. But his eccentricities and poor social timing can also aggravate people and circumstances, further complicating matters.

Rationale: Tsukumo, played by Kimura, was a host before getting involved in a horrific accident that damaged his brain. However, the accident led to him using 100% of his brain, instead of the normal 10% that most people use (This is a false statement. You actually use all of your brain, all the time pretty much.) Since Tsukumo was using "100%" of his brain power, he was able to get a Bachelors and PhD in psychology in about 4 years time! Along with his assistant, Yuri (played by Ayase), they go and figure out crime scenes, which may lead to discoveries that the police did not find before. I found this series to be very entertaining, from Tsukumo's quirky remarks to interesting cases. My only issue with the drama was that it's too short! Only 8 episodes... =(

Silver: BOSS/BOSS 2

Starring: Amami Yuki, Takenouchi Yutaka, Tamayama Tetsuji, Toda Erika, Mizobata Junpei, Kichise Michiko, Kendo Kobayashi and Nukumizu Youichi

Synopsis: This series revolves around a group of peculiar detectives in a new division created to fight against an increase in atrocious crimes. Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career woman who has just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as the "boss" of this division. But despite her intelligence and capabilities, she can never understand a man's heart, so she remains unable to find a husband. In fact, her assignment in the U.S. was really a demotion after she ruined her career track over a man. So why was she chosen as the boss of the new division? Even though the detectives are talented, they all have some kind of issue or flaw, and they are considered to be the "problem children" of the police force. In the end, the division's true purpose is just to isolate these problematic detectives

Rationale: I had to put down all the detective's actor/actress' name since they all played a significant part in each episode! Great cast and great acting by all of the cast members. Amami plays the heroine, Osawa Eriko, who is witty and strong. In each episode, there would be character development as each detective learns how to work with each other and deal with their problems. Each case is interesting and kept me on my toes for most of the time. BOSS 2 is a continuation of the drama, but answered some questions that were left from the first season. Also, did I mention that the female cast was amazing? Amami, Toda and Kichise provided great eye candy! =D

Finally, in first place: Galileo

Starring: Fukuyama Masaharu and Shibasaki Kou

Synopsis: In "Galileo," Fukuyama Masaharu plays a genius physicist and university associate professor, Yukawa Manabu, who solves difficult mysteries. Affectionately known as Tantei Galileo ("Detective Galileo"), Yukawa is brilliant, an all-round sportsman, tall and handsome but eccentric. Yukawa's partner is a rookie cop, Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou), a hot-blooded woman with a strong sense of justice.

Rationale: Pretty much a modern day version of Trick. So why does this drama grab first place while Trick was 5th? First of all, the cases were science based, which could be explained through physics. Yukawa (played by Fukuyama) would reluctantly offer his help to rookie cop Utsumi (Shibasaki), which he would figure out by scribbling down complex physics equations. Once he solves a case, he would conduct an experiment to demonstrate how the criminal act. He wasn't interested in the motive behind the crime, which was then up for Utsumi to figure out. Each episode had a clever case and interesting dialogue between Yukawa and Utsumi. There was also character development, in that Yukawa became less and less socially awkward and used his skills to help Utsumi figure out cases. There was also a special episode and a movie sequel to Galileo, which I would recommend as well. The special spoke about Yukawa's first case with another detective (who was a commissioner in the drama series). The movie, was perhaps my favorite after the drama series. It was an intense battle between a genius physician and mathematician. I had to say, that the movie really evoked the inner-nerd in me. =P

That's it for today! Tune in next time for my next set of reviews. I tried cutting down on spoilers this time around...  

Saturday 14 January 2012

Muffin Top!

Typical day today! Started off my day with volunteering. I need to find new songs to play though, for I'm getting bored of the songs I'm playing now!

After volunteering, I went home to eat lunch. I had quite a luxurious lunch today, compared to other Saturdays since I normally have work right after. After lunch, I did some vacuuming and then a friend came over for a while. We were working on a technical issue, that took some time to figure out, but we got it in the end!

Hmm, what else did I do today? Ah yes, watched the third episode of my drama: Soredemo, Ikite Yuku (Even though, we still move on... or something like that in English). I have to say that it's a really touching drama; one that I haven't seen in a while.

And speaking of dramas, I'll probably do my Top 5 Drama blog tomorrow! It'll be on detective series!

Why is my title Muffin Top today? Strangely enough this week, there has been much discussion of Muffin Tops. I always assumed it was the food until I learnt that it was a derogatory term for... belly fat and tight pants.

Yesterday, I actually ate a muffin top, and no, it's not one of those muffin tops. =P
It was actually quite yummy! Here's a picture of it!
It was really tasty! The best part of the muffin for sure!

Uh, I'm feeling it...

Well there goes my workout week... Went to a Vietnamese restaurant to eat for Bro Night. The serving size was a bit on the small side, though the food was okay. I had the... beef something with vermicelli noodles (not pho... forgot the name, but I'll upload a picture of it!). I wasn't satisfied so we ordered some pizza to be delivered afterwards. Two medium, two topping pizzas from Domino's for under $20! Pretty decent deal and it kept me satisfied. However, all this food, plus like 600 ml of pop... put my workout week to junk =P Oh well, there's always next week? =P

Today (or technically yesterday), I woke up later than I would like because I was up playing SC last night. In fact... I just finished playing some SC! I got some readings done for my 409 class (Specialization 1) which included me reading the curriculum guide for grade 7-9 science. (74 pages....)

I went to school after to go workout. It was a decent workout I suppose! Didn't get too sore, but enough to make me sweat.

Well off to sleep now! For the picture of the day...

   I was really tempted to drink all of the soup. It was perhaps the best part of my meal! =P

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Third Day of School

Clumsy me... my ID card was actually in my gym shorts, which were in my gym locker! I wasn't looking forward to pay the $20 replacement card fee, and that doesn't include the UPass replacement fee... (UPass allows students to take Calgary Transit 24/7, till semester ends.)

Well, as for today, I only had the one class... at 5:30 PM... It was on Professional Development and Life Long learning. We started today's lecture with a discussion of what adult education was all about. It's not simply teaching people over the age of 18, rather its when a group of adults gather together to exchange knowledge in the hope of creating a better world.

For today's picture of the day
A picture of Aquafina Plus Vitamin water... I forgot my water bottle at home today. >_>
Also, I used my mbp to take a picture of the bottle, rather than my iPhone. Quality doesn't seem too bad!

Lost my ID?

I think I might have lost my ID card! I recall having it on me when I went back to get change after my workout. Most worrying thing is that I recall taking my card out of my pocket... so I think I left it on the benches in the locker room... Well I guess I can't fret about what's done. I've got to go check tomorrow and pray that they're in my gym shorts!

Wed Jan 11
Didn't finish my blog yesterday since I ended up playing SC2. =P. Yesterday was my second day of school, where I had a lecture on diversity in classrooms in the morning. We watched an interesting video that portrayed how people of different ethnic backgrounds (especially those of color) have conflicting private and public lives. At home, they're expected to act one way, due to their own culture while in the public light, they have to conform to western norms. For those who are interested, the film/documentary is called "Growing Up Among Strangers" and is directed by Nina Sudra (she was actually there to give us a guess lecture!).

I also had my 408 seminar in the late morning. Surprisingly, most of my 401 group members were in that class! We ended up dividing ourselves into groups to work on presentations. I decided to work on Literacy again since I feel like I can still explore this topic more! It's simply not just reading and writing!

Well that's it for now! I'll blog again tonight =P

As for today's/yesterday's picture
Since I couldn't find my ID card yesterday =(

Monday 9 January 2012

First Day of Winter 2012 Semester!

Today marks the first day that class resumed for the winter semester. I had my first 407 seminar (Diversity) with a professor as my TA. He managed to keep the seminar engaging for the most part of the 2 and a half hours.

Once again this semester, we have late lectures. It's worse this semester since these evening lectures start from 5:30 instead of 5, and for Monday's lecture, we end at 7 instead of 6:15... They offered to post "podcasts" online. I initially thought that it would be a videotaped lecture, but it's just slides and audio... I guess that means that I will be going to these late lectures, even if it's the only lecture I have for that day... (*cough cough* Wednesday *cough cough*). For today's lecture, it was 406 (individual theory, or something along the line of individual theory...).

So far so good though, in terms of physical activity. I managed to get some time in the gym today! Swimming every morning during winter break really paid off in terms of getting my butt back into gear. =P

As for today's picture, here's the textbook I bought for today. It's for my 407 class and I'm supposed to have 3 chapters read for tomorrow. So far I only read the first one and I doubt I'm going to look at the other two tonight... I'm too tired >.<

Sunday 8 January 2012


I should correct myself, today marks exactly 1 week after New Years! Not yesterday...

Anyways, today marked the first day of karate for the 2012 year. I managed to bruise my knuckles doing push ups today...

Since today was karate day, I decided to upload a picture of my belt!
I had this belt for over 10 years now. I got my first dan in 2001, and my second dan in 2011. I started karate when I was in ECS, so I've been practicing Gojuryu karate for the past 16 years. My mom enrolled me in ECS because I was physically picked on in kindergarten. Before getting my black belt, I really disliked karate, so I would just half-ass my way through. Once I got my black belt, I realized that practicing this martial art was more than just learning how to punch and kick. There's a whole mental thing involved, including aspects like discipline and respecting your elders. I have to say that karate has greatly helped shaped me for who I am today. Despite the occasional road rage, I feel like I am able to control my temper for most cases.

That's it for today! School starts tomorrow... Finish at 7 PM.... urghhh

Saturday 7 January 2012


Finally got all my marks back! Not too shabby for the first semester of Education, though I don't know what class average is... Oh well! Kinda looking forward to winter semester... 5 courses and 1 practicum. 

I should be reading my book for Monday's class, but I still got Sunday (yes, procrastinating already!).

Anyways, today marks the first day of my "regular schedule", for I had both volunteering and work today. Work was pretty quiet. I guess its due to the fact that school hasn't started from most students yet, so they probably didn't feel a need to come to tutoring today.

Since it has been exactly a week since New Years, I guess I should make my New Year's Resolution now!
My New Year's Resolution for this year is: to continue appreciating life for both the good and the bad. Pretty much, I should continue to count my blessings for the things that I have in my life. First of all, I appreciate those people around me and those people I had the chance to interact with. No matter how long they've been in my life, I had the chance to learn and get a glimpse (or try to perceive) how other people are... even though my guesses could be quite wrong at times =S

Secondly, I'm grateful for being healthy. Ever since getting frostbite in 2nd year, I realized how important one's health is to a person's well being. Despite my lack of fitness (compared to my high school years), I'm still relatively quite healthy. Hopefully I can achieve a level of fitness similar to how I was in high school, if I manage to continue to exercise on a regular basis! I guess I won't be swimming for a while, but there's still other activities that I can get into!

Finally, I'm grateful for life. It's an amazing experience; something to enjoy while it lasts. 

To end the post, here's an interesting box (I think it was a box) that I saw yesterday at a friend's house!

It's not too often I see my name on products!

Friday 6 January 2012

David's Top 5 Japanese Medical Dramas

Since I'm probably going to be out late and that I don't want to start on my readings yet... I decided to write a blog post of my top 5 Japanese medical dramas. Like most students who went through the biological science route, I initially inspired to practice general medicine. Unfortunately, I don't have the competitive GPA, so I had to pick another route. I guess that initial inspiration made me start watching medical dramas, for I have never seen House, ER, Grey's Anatomy, etc on TV.

Once again, I'll start with my 5th pick and work my way up to my favourite medical series! All synopsis and images were taken from drama-wiki (wiki.d-addicts.com) again. Starting for here, there will be SPOILERS so prepare yourself! Also, I haven't watched many medical dramas, so this post may be a bit dry. My criteria for picking medical drama is simply if it has a focus around the field of medicine, meaning it doesn't have to be the ENTIRE focus.

Starting at #5: Team Batista no Eiko (aka: Team Batista's Glory)

Starring: Ito Atsushi and Nakamura Toru

Synopsis: There exists a legendary team of surgical experts in Tojo University Hospital that specializes in the Batista procedure - one of the most difficult cardiac surgeries with the survival rate only at 60%. Ever since its formation, this team has shocked the country by having 27 consecutive post-operative successes, virtually unheard of in the medical community. They basked in the glory until three of the most recent procedures resulted in consecutive deaths on the operating table. Taguchi, a psychosomatic medicine specialist, has been entrusted with the investigation but is in over his head because of his soft nature and having to deal with skills beyond his realm of expertise. Then arrives Shiratori, a cocky Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare investigator. He not only labels Taguchi naive, but speaks with confidence that this is a murder, and the murderer is within this team of elites. As the mystery unfolds, so does the complicated affiliation between each of the seven team members. Will this unlikely duo uncover the truth in time?

Rationale: It's a mixture between suspense and medical since the underlying plot is to discover who the mysterious murder is; the one that has been causing consecutive deaths during the Batista operation. I started watching this drama due to being more intrigued by the main actors than the plot, Ito, who previously played the main role in Densha Otoko (will be discussed more in another post =P), is an actor that I haven't seen much of, and Nakamura did a splendid job portraying the main villain in TOKYO DOGS (again, will be discussed more in another post). In this drama, Ito plays the role of Taguchi, while Nakamura plays the role of the investigator, Shiratori. The difference between the two characters made up for a somewhat lack-lusting (is that a word?) plot. So why am I placing this drama in my Top 5 even? Well, besides the acting by the main leads, the amount of surgery presented in this drama made it really interesting. I am not sure how accurate they portrayed surgery to be, but it was nevertheless interesting to watch the interaction among the medical specialists.

In number 4: Voice

Starring: Eita

Synopsis: A group of five medical students take on the task of conveying the "voices of the dead."
Kaji Daiki fails to get into a popular heart surgery seminar but is somehow accepted into a seminar on forensic pathology. When he approaches professor Sagawa and asks him why he ended up in the seminar, Sagawa challenges him by asking why he wants to study heart surgery. Daiki replies that medicine is meaningless after the heart stops, but Sagawa counters that medicine also applies to the dead.
And so, together with fellow students Ryosuke, Kanako, Teppei and Akira, Daiki begins to explore the mysteries of death

Rationale: A drama that focused on forensic pathology, or in other words, autopsies. A very enjoyable watch featuring Eita as Kaji Daiki. Kaji is an odd fellow, but he's earnestly trying to figure out the, pardon my lack of political correctness, dead people's last words. This does not go well with the others initially since people view it as a waste of time, trying to investigate the person's life before they died. Kaji though, is supported by his four other classmates/friends as the realized that his way may be  tedious, but rewarding in the end. 

Now in 3rd place: Gyne

Starring: Fujiwara Norika

Synopsis: Set in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of a university hospital. Hiragi Nachi is a reserved obstetrician, who is in her fifth year of working as a C-section surgeon in the maternity ward of the hospital. Because of a traumatic incident, she follows a philosophy of preserving life and would never abandon her patients even if it means taking on high risks. One night, while working the graveyard shift, Nachi performs a risky emergency cesarean section. However, when the patient dies from severe blood loss, the woman's family files a lawsuit against Nachi claiming malpractice.

Rationale: Besides knowing one of the support actresses, Motokariya Yuika (by the way, fake eyelashes made her look quite pretty!), I knew practically nobody else in this drama series. Luckily I stumbled across this show for it was a very good watch. Hiragi, played by Fujiwara, was a obstetrician who seemed to be anti-social, for she would rarely interact with her co-workers. She had a stubborn mindset and would do things her way, even if it may not be the best choice. However, she has a pretty steller track record, despite the traumatic incident she had in the past. One patient grew friendly with Hiragi, which led to a small relationship being formed (including the patient's family). However, the patient had to undergo an emergency c-section which led to her death due to excess bleeding. The patient's husband was then persuaded by a lawyer to sue for malpractice. Pretty much from this point, there's a character change in Hiragi. She learns to be trust her co-workers, as they try to help clear her name, by figuring out that the patient had a rare genetic disease that made her more susceptible to mass bleeding. She also learned how to work with her co-workers, knowing that perhaps there are other ways to do things more efficiently. Overall, it was a good story line, focusing on the aspect of child birth, growing up and learning how to deal with despair. 

Silver medal goes to: Code Blue Season 1 and 2

Season 2

Starring: Yamashita Tomohisa, Aragaki Yui, Toda Erika, Higa Manami and Asari Yosuke
Synopsis (for season 1): If it can be treated one second earlier, the heart might start beating again.
If there is one extra helicopter, another life in danger may be saved.
If one more life can be saved, the Japanese medical community may regain trust.
There are more lives in this country that can be saved.
The "Doctor Helicopter" system was legalized in Japan in June 2007. A medical team is dispatched to the patients on a helicopter to provide medical care in the field as soon as possible. One day, four young physicians are assigned to this latest medical system. The doctors experience traumatic medical situations, deal with personal ambitions, witness the fragility of life, and they grow personally and professionally. 

Synopsis (for season 2): It has been one and a half years since Aizawa Kosaku, Shiraishi Megumi, Hiyama Mihoko and Fujikawa Kazuo were assigned to Shoyo University's North Hospital. They have only three months left of their fellowship programme (specialised training programme) to be flight doctors and each of them have come to the crossroads where they have to think of their lives after graduation. Aizawa, who has only one relative – a grandmother currently in a nursing home, starts having doubts about his duties and cannot find a clear direction for his future. Meanwhile, Shiraishi Megumi is unable to forget the past. She had caused their former teacher, Kuroda Shuji, to have his right arm amputated. Then Tachibana Keisuke, a veteran flight doctor, takes up a new post. He has been put in charge of certifying the fellowship programme which will decide their future.

Rationale: I started watching this show because it had an all star cast, featuring some of the hottest young actors and actresses at that time. That includes Yamashita (or better known to people as Yamapi), Aragaki and Toda. Each episode had tons of action, loads of surgery and perhaps what makes this show different than other medical dramas, the use of a helicopter to fly in emergency patients. Despite all the medical action going on, there was a ton of character growth for the four doctors, Aizawa, Shirashi, Hiyama and Fujikawa (Yamashita, Aragaki, Toda and Asari respectively) as they struggle to find their place in the field of emergency medicine. Second season starts off strong (like the first), but with more drama, which in this case, was a good thing. It allowed more development for growth and provides interest, such as Aizawa's ailing grandmother who took good care of him. 

And finally, my favorite medical drama and maybe even my favorite drama to date: JIN (season 1 and 2)

Season 2

Starring: Osawa Takao and Ayase Haruka

Synopsis (season 1): The story follows a brain surgeon named, Minakata Jin, who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he faints at the hospital and awakens to find himself transported back in time to the Edo period. He is soon attacked by a samurai, but he escapes with the help of a man named Kyotaro. Kyotaro suffers a serious injury to the head while trying to protect him, but Jin manages to save his life despite a lack of proper medical equipment. Because of that, Kyotaro's sister Saki begins taking an interest in Jin and becomes his assistant. Meanwhile, Jin is determined to find a way back to the present.

Synopsis (season 2): 2 years have passed... Jin and Saki develop a sweet confectionery that contains medicine for Saki's mother who has a severe case of beriberi. Meanwhile, Ryoma asks Jin to care for Kaishuu Katsu's mentor, Shozan Sakuma. Shozan is in a critical state after being attacked by the Shinsengumi. Jin is reluctant because curing Shozan would mean changing the course of history. However, Shozan tells him that he too is involved in the “present”.

Rationale: I initially first out about this drama when it came out in 2009. I was very intrigued by the plot. A doctor travelling back in time. It made me curious to see how modern medicine would change the course of history. Unfortunately though, I was unable to find subs to the drama, so I had to leave the series be. Fast forward a year later, and I stumble across a site that had English subs! After downloading the entire series, I began watching, one episode a day. Each episode was riveting and aspiring as the main character, Minakata (played by Osawa), battles within himself whether he should play the role of "God" and save people that are doomed to die (since there were no such thing as modern medicine in the 1800s). The relationship between Minakata and the famous revolutionary, Sakamoto Ryoma was interesting to watch as it  unfolds, making changes to Sakamoto's character (though I wonder accurate it was, compared to the real Sakamoto). 

Anyways, the first season had Minakata curing/treating various ailments, such as cholera, minor brain surgery and creating penicillin. To create more drama in this drama, Minakata stumbles upon a courtesan/prostitute, named Nokaze, that resembles his fiancee! How he interacts with Nokaze influences the fate of his fiancee, which we can find out by looking at a picture of Minakata and her (that he keeps in his pocket, for it changes whenever he has a significant interaction with Nokaze.)

Tachibana Saki (played by Ayase) was the daughter to a family that served the shogun. Back in the day girls were raised to get married and to raise a family. When Saki met Minakata, she took an interest in him, and that started her career down the path of medicine, despite the fact that there were no such thing as a female doctor.
I could carry on, but there's so much in season 1! Season 2 was just as spectacular as season 1, but like Code Blue, had more drama. The drama also served the series well, for it made Minakata question himself about his role more, even though he had somewhat of a resolution to help cure as many people as he can. 
Since I'm getting tired from writing this... I'll finish it off with saying that the ending, I thought, was justified for the series. Minakata did in fact manage to find his way back to the present, but its not the same present from where he originated from. 

And yes! That's my list of my top 5! Gosh... I'm exhausted from writing this...

David's Top 5 Japanese Medical Dramas

Since I'm probably going to be out late and that I don't want to start on my readings yet... I decided to write a blog post of my top 5 Japanese medical dramas. Like most students who went through the biological science route, I initially inspired to practice general medicine. Unfortunately, I don't have the competitive GPA, so I had to pick another route. I guess that initial inspiration made me start watching medical dramas, for I have never seen House, ER, Grey's Anatomy, etc on TV.

Once again, I'll start with my 5th pick and work my way up to my favourite medical series! All synopsis and images were taken from drama-wiki (wiki.d-addicts.com) again. Starting for here, there will be SPOILERS so prepare yourself! Also, I haven't watched many medical dramas, so this post may be a bit dry. My criteria for picking medical drama is simply if it has a focus around the field of medicine, meaning it doesn't have to be the ENTIRE focus.

Starting at #5: Team Batista no Eiko (aka: Team Batista's Glory)

Starring: Ito Atsushi and Nakamura Toru

Synopsis: There exists a legendary team of surgical experts in Tojo University Hospital that specializes in the Batista procedure - one of the most difficult cardiac surgeries with the survival rate only at 60%. Ever since its formation, this team has shocked the country by having 27 consecutive post-operative successes, virtually unheard of in the medical community. They basked in the glory until three of the most recent procedures resulted in consecutive deaths on the operating table. Taguchi, a psychosomatic medicine specialist, has been entrusted with the investigation but is in over his head because of his soft nature and having to deal with skills beyond his realm of expertise. Then arrives Shiratori, a cocky Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare investigator. He not only labels Taguchi naive, but speaks with confidence that this is a murder, and the murderer is within this team of elites. As the mystery unfolds, so does the complicated affiliation between each of the seven team members. Will this unlikely duo uncover the truth in time?

Rationale: It's a mixture between suspense and medical since the underlying plot is to discover who the mysterious murder is; the one that has been causing consecutive deaths during the Batista operation. I started watching this drama due to being more intrigued by the main actors than the plot, Ito, who previously played the main role in Densha Otoko (will be discussed more in another post =P), is an actor that I haven't seen much of, and Nakamura did a splendid job portraying the main villain in TOKYO DOGS (again, will be discussed more in another post). In this drama, Ito plays the role of Taguchi, while Nakamura plays the role of the investigator, Shiratori. The difference between the two characters made up for a somewhat lack-lusting (is that a word?) plot. So why am I placing this drama in my Top 5 even? Well, besides the acting by the main leads, the amount of surgery presented in this drama made it really interesting. I am not sure how accurate they portrayed surgery to be, but it was nevertheless interesting to watch the interaction among the medical specialists.

In number 4: Voice

Starring: Eita

Synopsis: A group of five medical students take on the task of conveying the "voices of the dead."
Kaji Daiki fails to get into a popular heart surgery seminar but is somehow accepted into a seminar on forensic pathology. When he approaches professor Sagawa and asks him why he ended up in the seminar, Sagawa challenges him by asking why he wants to study heart surgery. Daiki replies that medicine is meaningless after the heart stops, but Sagawa counters that medicine also applies to the dead.
And so, together with fellow students Ryosuke, Kanako, Teppei and Akira, Daiki begins to explore the mysteries of death

Rationale: A drama that focused on forensic pathology, or in other words, autopsies. A very enjoyable watch featuring Eita as Kaji Daiki. Kaji is an odd fellow, but he's earnestly trying to figure out the, pardon my lack of political correctness, dead people's last words. This does not go well with the others initially since people view it as a waste of time, trying to investigate the person's life before they died. Kaji though, is supported by his four other classmates/friends as the realized that his way may be  tedious, but rewarding in the end. 

Now in 3rd place: Gyne

Starring: Fujiwara Norika

Synopsis: Set in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of a university hospital. Hiragi Nachi is a reserved obstetrician, who is in her fifth year of working as a C-section surgeon in the maternity ward of the hospital. Because of a traumatic incident, she follows a philosophy of preserving life and would never abandon her patients even if it means taking on high risks. One night, while working the graveyard shift, Nachi performs a risky emergency cesarean section. However, when the patient dies from severe blood loss, the woman's family files a lawsuit against Nachi claiming malpractice.

Rationale: Besides knowing one of the support actresses, Motokariya Yuika (by the way, fake eyelashes made her look quite pretty!), I knew practically nobody else in this drama series. Luckily I stumbled across this show for it was a very good watch. Hiragi, played by Fujiwara, was a obstetrician who seemed to be anti-social, for she would rarely interact with her co-workers. She had a stubborn mindset and would do things her way, even if it may not be the best choice. However, she has a pretty steller track record, despite the traumatic incident she had in the past. One patient grew friendly with Hiragi, which led to a small relationship being formed (including the patient's family). However, the patient had to undergo an emergency c-section which led to her death due to excess bleeding. The patient's husband was then persuaded by a lawyer to sue for malpractice. Pretty much from this point, there's a character change in Hiragi. She learns to be trust her co-workers, as they try to help clear her name, by figuring out that the patient had a rare genetic disease that made her more susceptible to mass bleeding. She also learned how to work with her co-workers, knowing that perhaps there are other ways to do things more efficiently. Overall, it was a good story line, focusing on the aspect of child birth, growing up and learning how to deal with despair. 

Silve medal goes to: Code Blue Season 1 and 2

Season 2

Starring: Yamashita Tomohisa, Aragaki Yui, Toda Erika, Higa Manami and Asari Yosuke
Synopsis (for season 1): If it can be treated one second earlier, the heart might start beating again.
If there is one extra helicopter, another life in danger may be saved.
If one more life can be saved, the Japanese medical community may regain trust.
There are more lives in this country that can be saved.
The "Doctor Helicopter" system was legalized in Japan in June 2007. A medical team is dispatched to the patients on a helicopter to provide medical care in the field as soon as possible. One day, four young physicians are assigned to this latest medical system. The doctors experience traumatic medical situations, deal with personal ambitions, witness the fragility of life, and they grow personally and professionally. 

Synopsis (for season 2): It has been one and a half years since Aizawa Kosaku, Shiraishi Megumi, Hiyama Mihoko and Fujikawa Kazuo were assigned to Shoyo University's North Hospital. They have only three months left of their fellowship programme (specialised training programme) to be flight doctors and each of them have come to the crossroads where they have to think of their lives after graduation. Aizawa, who has only one relative – a grandmother currently in a nursing home, starts having doubts about his duties and cannot find a clear direction for his future. Meanwhile, Shiraishi Megumi is unable to forget the past. She had caused their former teacher, Kuroda Shuji, to have his right arm amputated. Then Tachibana Keisuke, a veteran flight doctor, takes up a new post. He has been put in charge of certifying the fellowship programme which will decide their future.

Rationale: I started watching this show because it had an all star cast, featuring some of the hottest young actors and actresses at that time. That includes Yamashita (or better known to people as Yamapi), Aragaki and Toda. Each episode had tons of action, loads of surgery and perhaps what makes this show different than other medical dramas, the use of a helicopter to fly in emergency patients. Despite all the medical action going on, there was a ton of character growth for the four doctors, Aizawa, Shirashi, Hiyama and Fujikawa (Yamashita, Aragaki, Toda and Asari respectively) as they struggle to find their place in the field of emergency medicine. Second season starts off strong (like the first), but with more drama, which in this case, was a good thing. It allowed more development for growth and provides interest, such as Aizawa's ailing grandmother who took good care of him. 

And finally, my favorite medical drama and maybe even my favorite drama to date: JIN (season 1 and 2)

Season 2

Starring: Osawa Takao and Ayase Haruka

Synopsis (season 1): The story follows a brain surgeon named, Minakata Jin, who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he faints at the hospital and awakens to find himself transported back in time to the Edo period. He is soon attacked by a samurai, but he escapes with the help of a man named Kyotaro. Kyotaro suffers a serious injury to the head while trying to protect him, but Jin manages to save his life despite a lack of proper medical equipment. Because of that, Kyotaro's sister Saki begins taking an interest in Jin and becomes his assistant. Meanwhile, Jin is determined to find a way back to the present.

Synopsis (season 2): 2 years have passed... Jin and Saki develop a sweet confectionery that contains medicine for Saki's mother who has a severe case of beriberi. Meanwhile, Ryoma asks Jin to care for Kaishuu Katsu's mentor, Shozan Sakuma. Shozan is in a critical state after being attacked by the Shinsengumi. Jin is reluctant because curing Shozan would mean changing the course of history. However, Shozan tells him that he too is involved in the “present”.

Rationale: I initially first out about this drama when it came out in 2009. I was very intrigued by the plot. A doctor travelling back in time. It made me curious to see how modern medicine would change the course of history. Unfortunately though, I was unable to find subs to the drama, so I had to leave the series be. Fast forward a year later, and I stumble across a site that had English subs! After downloading the entire series, I began watching, one episode a day. Each episode was riveting and aspiring as the main character, Minakata (played by Osawa), battles within himself whether he should play the role of "God" and save people that are doomed to die (since there were no such thing as modern medicine in the 1800s). The relationship between Minakata and the famous revolutionary, Sakamoto Ryoma was interesting to watch as it  unfolds, making changes to Sakamoto's character (though I wonder accurate it was, compared to the real Sakamoto). 

Anyways, the first season had Minakata curing/treating various ailments, such as cholera, minor brain surgery and creating penicillin. To create more drama in this drama, Minakata stumbles upon a courtesan/prostitute, named Nokaze, that resembles his fiancee! How he interacts with Nokaze influences the fate of his fiancee, which we can find out by looking at a picture of Minakata and her (that he keeps in his pocket, for it changes whenever he has a significant interaction with Nokaze.)

Tachibana Saki (played by Ayase) was the daughter to a family that served the shogun. Back in the day girls were raised to get married and to raise a family. When Saki met Minakata, she took an interest in him, and that started her career down the path of medicine, despite the fact that there were no such thing as a female doctor.
I could carry on, but there's so much in season 1! Season 2 was just as spectacular as season 1, but like Code Blue, had more drama. The drama also served the series well, for it made Minakata question himself about his role more, even though he had somewhat of a resolution to help cure as many people as he can. 
Since I'm getting tired from writing this... I'll finish it off with saying that the ending, I thought, was justified for the series. Minakata did in fact manage to find his way back to the present, but its not the same present from where he originated from. 

And yes! That's my list of my top 5! Gosh... I'm exhausted from writing this...