Saturday 7 January 2012


Finally got all my marks back! Not too shabby for the first semester of Education, though I don't know what class average is... Oh well! Kinda looking forward to winter semester... 5 courses and 1 practicum. 

I should be reading my book for Monday's class, but I still got Sunday (yes, procrastinating already!).

Anyways, today marks the first day of my "regular schedule", for I had both volunteering and work today. Work was pretty quiet. I guess its due to the fact that school hasn't started from most students yet, so they probably didn't feel a need to come to tutoring today.

Since it has been exactly a week since New Years, I guess I should make my New Year's Resolution now!
My New Year's Resolution for this year is: to continue appreciating life for both the good and the bad. Pretty much, I should continue to count my blessings for the things that I have in my life. First of all, I appreciate those people around me and those people I had the chance to interact with. No matter how long they've been in my life, I had the chance to learn and get a glimpse (or try to perceive) how other people are... even though my guesses could be quite wrong at times =S

Secondly, I'm grateful for being healthy. Ever since getting frostbite in 2nd year, I realized how important one's health is to a person's well being. Despite my lack of fitness (compared to my high school years), I'm still relatively quite healthy. Hopefully I can achieve a level of fitness similar to how I was in high school, if I manage to continue to exercise on a regular basis! I guess I won't be swimming for a while, but there's still other activities that I can get into!

Finally, I'm grateful for life. It's an amazing experience; something to enjoy while it lasts. 

To end the post, here's an interesting box (I think it was a box) that I saw yesterday at a friend's house!

It's not too often I see my name on products!


  1. HA i'm already doing my bio readings... LIKE A BOSS

  2. Who does their bio readings! I never did any of them and I still scraped through my bio degree! (Key word: scraped through)
