Tuesday 3 January 2012

Mini Melts?

After I finish swimming, I would pass by a set of vending machines on my way to the stairs. You have your usually snack and pop machines, but at LC, they have a "Mini Melt" machine. In this vending machine, they offer pretty much ice cream chunks (or in the case of tropical fruit: popsicle chunks). It's not too bad, but like most vending machines, quite expensive. For $4.00, I got a mini fruit-cup size of chocolate and mint ice cream! It was pretty decent. Here's a picture of what it looked like!

Also today marks the day that I finished Skyward Sword on normal mode. I can't say whether I like this game more than Twilight Princess! Both were quite fun to play. Twilight Princess seems longer to me and offered more dungeons, but Skyward Sword had improved motion controls, thanks to the Wiimotion Plus. 

I also completed watching Bloody Monday, a suspense/thriller drama about biological terrorism. I started it yesterday and couldn't seem to "put the drama down", so I watched 5 episodes yesterday and 6 today...
Anyways, it's pretty good! It demonstrated the darker side to humanity when undergoing crisis, yet there always some hope and goodness among the chaos. There's a second season out so its time to go download it...

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