Wednesday 11 January 2012

Lost my ID?

I think I might have lost my ID card! I recall having it on me when I went back to get change after my workout. Most worrying thing is that I recall taking my card out of my pocket... so I think I left it on the benches in the locker room... Well I guess I can't fret about what's done. I've got to go check tomorrow and pray that they're in my gym shorts!

Wed Jan 11
Didn't finish my blog yesterday since I ended up playing SC2. =P. Yesterday was my second day of school, where I had a lecture on diversity in classrooms in the morning. We watched an interesting video that portrayed how people of different ethnic backgrounds (especially those of color) have conflicting private and public lives. At home, they're expected to act one way, due to their own culture while in the public light, they have to conform to western norms. For those who are interested, the film/documentary is called "Growing Up Among Strangers" and is directed by Nina Sudra (she was actually there to give us a guess lecture!).

I also had my 408 seminar in the late morning. Surprisingly, most of my 401 group members were in that class! We ended up dividing ourselves into groups to work on presentations. I decided to work on Literacy again since I feel like I can still explore this topic more! It's simply not just reading and writing!

Well that's it for now! I'll blog again tonight =P

As for today's/yesterday's picture
Since I couldn't find my ID card yesterday =(

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