Tuesday 24 January 2012


Just finished watching episode 8 of my drama! The culprit met with the victim's mother! That was a pretty tense/awkward situation for sure! More about this drama series when I'm done!

Bright and early today! For 407 lecture, there was the discussion on LGBT in society. The lecture was slightly different than the seminar, probably because there was less time. However, I felt that I learnt a little bit more on learning how to create a classroom that would provide a safe environment for all. I even saw my Grade 12 English teacher speaking about the work she has done in the field! It was nice to see her again!

408 seminar was interesting for we discussed the type of learner/teacher we are, based on five different principles: Liberal, Behaviourist, Progressive, Humanistic and Radical. I always thought I was more liberal (which is ironic in name, since it's more about traditional style of teaching), but it turns out that I'm more behaviourist (focussing on hands on experience if i remember correctly), and progressive (problem solving).

Ah, well I better enjoy this week to the fullest for next week is going to be crazy... In other words, I should start my papers and maybe get reading for my group project... Yay...

Didn't take a suitable picture today, so here's a video I found on pokememe! It was quite well made! Pikachu being rick-rolled... or is Pikachu doing the rick-rolling? =P

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