Monday 23 January 2012

Weird Hair...

Not washing my hair feels extremely odd this year... (apparently, it's a Chinese tradition to not wash their hair on Lunar New Years, since it washes away your luck!). It's not a greasy feeling, but more like I never knew my hair could stand up/stick out like that...

Well, today marks Lunar New Years in Canada! The year of the Water Dragon. To be honest, I wonder how many more babies will be born this year because of the zodiac animal associated with this year. =P

School was pretty much normal. We had a special presentation from a master's student and a professor from UofA to discuss the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/sexual). The presentation taught us a little bit on the LGBT community and how we could possibly teach those students who identify themselves as LGBT. I felt that their presentation was a little bit short on information, but that was probably due to the fact that they're going to come in tomorrow to present during lecture. 

For 406 today, we finished discussing the Edelman book. I'm a little bit confused still with what's going on with the lecture, but I guess I will understand in due time. I just have to open up my notes and re-read them again!

As for my papers... that 5 page paper and that 10 page paper (5 pages single space)... well I got started on one of them? 

Since it is Lunar New Year, my aunt brought some Ponkans (large tangerines), here's a picture of one of them. So gooooooooood

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