Tuesday 17 January 2012

So Sweet

Boo for early morning classes, but I guess it's a lot better than having late evening classes...

I started off my day with 407. Today, we had two guest speakers: a fellow classmate and, who I believe is a professor at the University (or was she an advisor at the CBE...). Anyways, we started off lecture with an Aboriginal story of the Creator and the Four Sisters, who later became Earth, Air, Water and Fire. That led into a discussion of "multiplicity", where students of different backgrounds learn to function with one another. (That was the main message I got from the lecture).

For 408 seminar, we spent time learning about community teaching, in where you learn how to work with your fellow group mates (in a small group) via common interests. In my group, we shared information about ourselves and some interesting tid bits. I was very disappointed to find that it seems like nobody else in my group likes dark chocolate =(

Too end of today's post
Cider that I got from Good Earth, at the first floor of Taylor Digital Library. It was my first cider without alcohol in it. =P

It was very sweet though... I probably won't get it again >_>

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