Wednesday 18 January 2012

High Tech Clickers

Today marks the first day of 2012 that I went back to volunteer for Calgary Reads. It seemed like my reading buddy/child practiced a lot of reading during the winter break because he's so much more proficient today!

When I got home from volunteering, I cracked open my 408 course reading pack and started reading the 2nd article. It was a more interesting read than the first, but I don't feel like I absorbed a lot from that reading...

Since I start school late today, I went to go workout again before class. Today, I did more weights than cardio. It's been a while, so I feel sore from it. =P After working out, I wondered why I even showed up to school when it's so cold outside. Luckily I came to school today though.

I have to say that my favorite professor so far for this semester is 408. She manages to make class seem to fly by, compared to my other courses at the moment. She had a touching story about education, in that it doesn't matter how long, or what order you do it, education is education. It is like saying that living life is always a learning experience. Her story involved her own life, and how she went back to school later in life to study adult education.

Also, in 408 today, we used clickers. They were unlike the clickers that I used for my bio science degree, for they resembled palm pilots with a full qwerty keyboard. Here's a picture of it

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