Sunday 8 January 2012


I should correct myself, today marks exactly 1 week after New Years! Not yesterday...

Anyways, today marked the first day of karate for the 2012 year. I managed to bruise my knuckles doing push ups today...

Since today was karate day, I decided to upload a picture of my belt!
I had this belt for over 10 years now. I got my first dan in 2001, and my second dan in 2011. I started karate when I was in ECS, so I've been practicing Gojuryu karate for the past 16 years. My mom enrolled me in ECS because I was physically picked on in kindergarten. Before getting my black belt, I really disliked karate, so I would just half-ass my way through. Once I got my black belt, I realized that practicing this martial art was more than just learning how to punch and kick. There's a whole mental thing involved, including aspects like discipline and respecting your elders. I have to say that karate has greatly helped shaped me for who I am today. Despite the occasional road rage, I feel like I am able to control my temper for most cases.

That's it for today! School starts tomorrow... Finish at 7 PM.... urghhh

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