Monday 16 January 2012

Mind Blowing

2nd week of school! It's been a cold start to the week =P.

In 407 seminar today, we had a discussion on racism and White privilege. To be honest, I never thought of white people having privileges growing up. It is true that I encountered racism/discrimination from others, but I never thought of this as being "empowerment". What really struck me though, was the little exercise we did at the end of class. Pretty much, the class stood against a wall while the professor asked us questions like "If you didn't have to take transit to come to school, step forward 1 step" to some like "If you ever had a servant that was Coloured, step forward 2 steps". At the end of the exercise, the vast majority of Caucasians were furthest away from the wall, while people of Colour were near, or even at the wall. This made me see what White privilege was potentially, though I still have some difficulty in establishing the concept for I feel that even though I'm Asian, I still have some privileges... but it could be due to the fact that I'm male?

For 406, we talked about consciousness and how it was established. Like 401 last semester, 406 is a mind-blowing class... so that's all I can recall from it! I'll have to review my notes tomorrow...

To end of my post, here's today's picture of the day
 I haven't seen this all winter yet I believe!

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