Saturday 14 January 2012

Muffin Top!

Typical day today! Started off my day with volunteering. I need to find new songs to play though, for I'm getting bored of the songs I'm playing now!

After volunteering, I went home to eat lunch. I had quite a luxurious lunch today, compared to other Saturdays since I normally have work right after. After lunch, I did some vacuuming and then a friend came over for a while. We were working on a technical issue, that took some time to figure out, but we got it in the end!

Hmm, what else did I do today? Ah yes, watched the third episode of my drama: Soredemo, Ikite Yuku (Even though, we still move on... or something like that in English). I have to say that it's a really touching drama; one that I haven't seen in a while.

And speaking of dramas, I'll probably do my Top 5 Drama blog tomorrow! It'll be on detective series!

Why is my title Muffin Top today? Strangely enough this week, there has been much discussion of Muffin Tops. I always assumed it was the food until I learnt that it was a derogatory term for... belly fat and tight pants.

Yesterday, I actually ate a muffin top, and no, it's not one of those muffin tops. =P
It was actually quite yummy! Here's a picture of it!
It was really tasty! The best part of the muffin for sure!

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