Saturday 21 January 2012


^ That's how I feel like today. So groggy from last night! I guess I'm not as young as I used to be. My left ear is still ringing >_<. It was a lot better now than this morning though!

Anyways... I had no volunteering today since the west entrance at PLC is busted and thus a cold draft can waft towards the piano. I'm not complaining since I could use the few extra hours of sleep! I woke up numerous times during the night to grab drinks of water. I finally was able to get in a solid two hours of sleep from around 9:30ish, till my brother woke me up at 11:40. I recall feeling extremely fatigued, but luckily just mostly that (plus the ringing...)

Work was alright today. Since this week marks Chinese New Years, there weren't a lot of students today. I mostly just sat there helping my two usual students since I couldn't muster enough brain power to mark... I even had troubles figuring out that 12-4 =8...

I guess my boss realized that, so he allowed my brother and I to leave early. Instead of going home, I asked my bro to go eat pho, since I didn't have lunch at all. I got an XL bowl that had... umm... I believe beef slices, tripe and intestines(?). It really helped my fatigue, though I can't say it really helped my thirst!

When I got home... well I couldn't do any work so I just sat on my computer and scrolled the net, played SC and watched my dramas. There's always tomorrow! Since there is no karate tomorrow morning, I have pretty much the whole day to study! YAY,,,,,

Here's a picture of the pho I had today. I just remembered about 10 minutes in that I needed a picture for my post today, so don't mind how my bowl looks. It was a lot nicer looking before I dug in!

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