Friday 27 January 2012

Big Day!

Woke up later than I would like, but I managed to get some work done! First of all, I finished my 408 responses. I started working on them yesterday, but didn't post since I felt like I was just BSing my way through... like my work was the BS of BS...

Once that was done, I watched my drama. I finished the last two episodes of the series. It was quite an emotional drama and one of the best I ever seen so far, thus I'm going to write a review for it tomorrow! =)

Once I was done dramaing (and vacuuming), I continued working on my 407 paper. I was stuck on my topic of privilege, but lucky for me that a friend was able to give some great ideas! (And for my 409 paper as well!!) After getting nearly a page done, I went and got ready to go out for Bro Night.

Soooo.... we first went to Chinook for one of the bros needed to find a suit. After we were done looking around, we went to Macleod Sushi and BBQ (I think that's the name of the place) to go eat. Unfortunately, the line up was too long, so we just ended up going back to Sushi Ichiban. Since I was hungrier than usual, I ate quite a bit today. I'm sure gonna need those workouts for this upcoming week!

To end off today's post, here's a picture of what I normally don't get at All You Can Eat =P
Salmon Cheek. It's pretty tasty! =)

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