Thursday 26 January 2012


I seem to be having troubles sharing the link onto my facebook page! Hopefully it'll work today =P

I didn't blog last night since I was so tired coming home and due to the fact that I was working on a paper...

Well today was an interesting day. I started off with a workout. I did a lot of chest and back yesterday, so I focused on arms today. It feels... weird getting back to using weights? The last time I did proper weights, like with proper exercises, was in grade 12...

After working out, I had my specialization class. Today, we discussed about collaboration and how it's important in science. Like they say, 2+2 =5! We had a couple activities that dealt with collaboration, such as designing a Rube Goldberg machine (a machine that is ridiculously complex, but made out of simple machines like levers, pulleys, ramps, etc), and a concept map using words taken from the junior high science curriculum. I had to say that it was a pretty fun class, since we weren't just sitting there listening to the prof talk the entire time.

For 410, we moved to another classroom. This is my first classroom in the Earth Science building! It had a pretty nice view on the 9th floor. We were discussing topics like how to converse the idea of a word, to an object. Simply (or more formally I guess?) put, learning concepts for certain contexts. The example we used was a young elementary student learning the word "sphere" when she holds up a ball-like object. She was unaware that it was a sphere, but she knew that it was not a circle (even though it looks like a circle). Afterwards, we had to design an experiment that coincide with the idea of learning concepts for certain contexts. In this case, it was to do with refractions. We had to design an experiment that explained to students the idea that a pencil doesn't physically bend when submerged in water, even though it looks like it has!

And that was my school day! Too tired to write my papers, so I think I'll just go watch episode 9 of my drama =P

For today's picture, here is a picture of what I ate yesterday at school. Korean BBQ has added some new side dishes to their menu. =P

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