Thursday 10 January 2013

After 8 long weeks, Gintama is back with a new episode!

Finally! It's been a bit annoying with the reruns in my opinion. I preferred that they took a longer break to give us new episodes! True, they added some new changes to the old episodes, but I can watch these episodes on my own free time!! =P I have to say I enjoyed the new opening. It has a subtle, calming mood.

The new episode today is the start of a new arc. No spoilers, but it looks pretty interesting!

I went to school early today to get my resume and cover letter looked over by the career specialist in Education. After a couple of changes, I think I should be ready to submit applications!

After working on some edits, I had EDUC 509. After a guest lecture, we had time to work on our projects. So far, our group has managed to come up with something that is interesting and hopefully engaging for students! So far so good!

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