Wednesday 9 January 2013

Somehow, it seems like Wednesdays are always long...

I was slated to have two four hour classes today. Fortunately for me, my first class, EDUC 510, was only an hour and a half since my instructor was just hired last week, thus Blackboard isn't up for this class. In other words, we couldn't really do much. What we did do though, was quite informative. We went through a large list of acronyms that can be seen in an inclusive/special ed classroom setting. I believe there were 90 acronyms on the list!

After class, I bought the textbook that was needed for 510. Fortunately, it's a lot cheaper than 511 coming in at about $60. I read through a couple of the cases in the book and they were quite enjoyable, relevant readings. Throughout the next 4.5 hours I had before my next class, I hid away in TDFL to read and look up information for 509.

At around 1:45, I trudged down towards my next four hour class: EDUC 511.


That's all I have to say about that course so far. It felt extremely long in that class. Good thing next week that it'll be a work period to work on our posters.

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