Monday 28 January 2013

Cranky Monday

I'm not sure why, but I was feeling extremely cranky this morning. It didn't help my mood when I was driving to school. There were people pulling out of a parking lot that made me brake hard. Probably the worst was turning into ICT... it was a green flashing light, but the guy in front of me decided to stop and let people on yield go in front of him... while holding me and another car back (which we were pretty much blocking traffic).

True, it is my fault for blocking traffic, but I had no idea that the guy would stop to let yielded cars go through... and in my defence, it was a flashing green light, even if it was close to changing to solid green.

Anyways, that was my drive. Soon after, I went to TDFL to go read up on writing a proper APA paper. There was this one girl sitting a couple computers down, and she constantly left her seat to go... do something. Well either way, she would bump into my chair each time she left her spot and every time she came back. I thought it was initially my fault, but when I turned around, I saw that there was a LOT of space for her to move (without bumping into my seat). It's not like she was a big girl either. She was really small. Either way, I moved my chair in all the way till practically my body was pressed up to the desk.

She still managed to bump into my chair on her way out, and back from whatever she was doing...

And each time she did it...

She would bump into me with more and more force. It went from a slight nudge, to actually moving my chair a bit....


Well enough complaining! I was glad that the class ended early today since my prof had a meeting for field advisors today. After school, I got a lot of chores down! =)

And I can't believe it's already 10:30... Sleep time!

1 of 3 parts needed to fix my wing joint! =)

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