Tuesday 8 January 2013

Apparently, a study showed that children viewed teachers as being the most....

What an eventful day! I started my first day of class by showing up late. =/

The instructor for 509 seemed passionate about science and had a variety of resources for us to use. We started off discussing on how we could potentially describe a scientific concept... which I found quite difficult to do. I was trying to explain diffusion in 25 words. I know what it is, but putting it into 25 words was tricky!

After doing a couple more activities, we broke down into groups to start work on our third assignment (which is worth 75% of our final mark!). Our assignment was to come up with a science workshop for clients, and these are real clients. My group has to design a workshop that surrounds electricity and electronics for secondary science classrooms. Our client: Minds in Motions.

After 4 hours (classes are this long so they can cram in a course in 5 weeks), I went to the bookstore to purchase a textbook for one of my classes. For a softcover book, $156.24 is extremely expensive. =/ It's an okay read so far, though I stopped the second chapter we had to read (Chapter 12) early, since I was getting bored of the material.

So onto the explanation of my title!

Apparently, a study showed that children viewed teachers as being the most TRUSTWORTHY, or placing the most trust in them. I found this statement quite interesting when my 509 instructor told us this today. From my own experiences, I guess it's true, for I never really doubted the information my teacher gave to me when I was going through the school system.

After teachers is doctors. I think scientists were third... Apparently people placed the least amount of trust in lawyers. (The study, was done by a lawyer... if I remembered correctly).

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