Saturday 26 January 2013

I would never have thought that it would happen to me...

I was anticipating today, since it would be the day I would take pictures of my PG Strike Freedom   Gundam for my photo challenge. As my previous 3 gundams, I would take the time to wash my gundam before snapping some shots.

The cleaning part went fine, for it only took about 15 minutes for me to rinse and dry off as much water as I could with a microfiber cloth. When I was trying to put on the left set of wings back onto its backpack,

The joint....

Snapped off...

I guess I used more force than necessary, for the piece just pretty much snapped off when I tried to attach it into the hole.

And now...

I'm left with this:

As you can see, the wing set on the right is missing a peg (while the wing set on the left has its peg).

Fortunately there's a method to fix this, but it's going to take some time to find the parts I need.

Besides that ordeal, my day was pretty ordinary. I went to volunteering, came home and researched for 510, and played LoL since today is double IP day. Unfortunately, the servers must be overloaded since I was only able to get in a couple of games. =/

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