Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year's Day = Great day to take pictures!!

Despite the title, there will once again be no photos for my blogpost today.

I started the day, actually quite early. I woke up at around 9:30 (when I've been waking up at around 11 the past couple of days) and ate a quick breakfast. Afterwards, I continued working on my cover letter/resumes. I'm almost ready to get them edited and submitted! =)

The rest of my day was pretty normal. I spent time watching my drama, Kagi no Kakatta Heya (Locked Door Mysteries) and anime. I've started After Wars Gundam X yesterday, and I have to say that I've been enjoying the show so far!

At around 9 PM tonight, I went out with a friend to go take pictures of the night sky. At first, I suggested a hill close by, but there was too much light pollution. I thought it would be a good spot since it's so dar on the hill, but I guess there's the city lights to contend with =/

Afterwards, we went to Skyview to look for a place to take pictures. We stopped at a road where there were two fields. One field was extremely dark while the other field was quite dark. We wanted to go to the extremely dark field, but the sound of coyotes in the air deterred us from venturing to, quite possibly, early deaths *gulp*.

That left us with the quite dark field, which wasn't that great at all. Sure, it was better than the hill on the field, but there's trails of light pollution on the side of the shot. I'll just have to see what I can do with photoshop, or if there's anything I can do at all! Did I mention that it was quite windy on the field as well? I was wearing two gloves on each hand, but it was still quite cold!

Oh and the moon was so beautiful! In hindsight, I should have brought my dad's 500mm mirror lens. =(

After coming back to our home area, we ventured near Sunridge to take pictures of the giant Christmas tree that they haven't taken down yet. I hope I managed to take some decent pictures!

That's all for today!

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