Sunday 13 January 2013

If you knew you were going to die... possibly soon... what would you do?

My morning session karate class was quite empty today for some odd reason. My class afterwards though, was quite full since we had three new students (not including one new one last week)!

For my afternoon, I worked on an assignment for 509, a list of websites/programs/resources that science teachers could use. I pretty much went to the Doucette Library and took links from the science resource page to use for my assignment. =P

After finding a good 15 links or so, I went to go watch a movie: Stranger than Fiction. It had a really interesting plot and had me thinking throughout the movie on how it would be like for me if I had an invisible voice narrating my life story. 

If I knew that I was going to die quite soon, I would probably be like the protagonist, Harold Crick, and do things that I always wanted to do. That reminds me... I should make a bucket list...
The philosophical outlook really made me think about my own life, and how I sometimes feel that I'm living day by day, rather than living my life to the fullest extent. True, it can be quite exhausting trying to live to "the fullest extent", but I think it'll give you a sense of satisfaction; the tired sort of satisfaction. Perhaps that's the path to happiness...

Overall, a great plot with good acting! I throughly enjoyed the film and especially amazed at seeing Will Ferrell in a dramatic role. I never ever seen him outside of a comedic role before!


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