Saturday 12 January 2013

Usborne Books

Like most Saturdays, I got up and went to volunteer. It was a pretty normal day as PLC's Saturday morning piano player. I did overhear some interesting conversations, but nonetheless, nothing out of the ordinary happened today.

In the afternoon, I was over at a colleague's house for a book fair/party. She was selling books that are educational in nature. I had to say that these books were quite high quality and had a wide variety that should touch on student's interests. Also, the prices for the books are quite reasonable. Definitely a better deal than some of the textbooks I had to buy recently... (you know which one I'm referring too!) After looking at a wide collection of books, I ordered a science picture dictionary that covered the three main sciences taught in schools. I can't wait to receive my copy! =)

Also, today marks the second week of my Gundam challenge. This week features my 1/100 MG Infinite Justice.

I'm currently working on my logo, so I just "copyright" my images for now.

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