Tuesday 15 January 2013

Animations on PowerPoint

Is a pain in the butt.

I spent about 5 hours on creating a 15 second animation of collisions that take place in billiards. I didn't expect it to take this much time! That was pretty much what I did for 509 today. We had some time to work on our workshops, but the majority of the time was dedicated to the animation.

It was initially cool designing the animation, but it sure takes a long time...

After class today, I went to a CBE info session that talked about the application process. It was pretty much similar info from the career fair, but it served as a good refresher. Since I got all my references, I am ready to start submitting!

Well technically...

The result after hitting the cue ball. To get "extra credit", I had to put in something explosive, so I had the cue ball "explode". Really, I made it flash and then the next slide had a big "BOOM!" across it to show that there was an explosion. I don't think that's what my prof wanted... since it sounded like she wanted the ball to be shown blowing up into many pieces...

Too much work perhaps. I'll have to see how I feel about it tomorrow.

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