Sunday 6 January 2013

Didn't expect it to be that simple...

First day of karate in 2013. Like any other year, now's the time that we really focus on getting students ready for exams. I got two more classes to get them ready!

As for the title, I'm referring to the final boss in Ocarina of Time. Ganon, beast form, seemed quite difficult to beat at first. I initially fought him by shooting light arrows into his face to stun him. Once stunned, I would run behind him and jump slash his tail with the biggoron sword. The first part was relatively easy, but the second part seemed... impossibly long! I repeated my strategy (after refilling my magic with green pots or using my blue potion), but it was taking WAYYY too long. I must have jumped slash him about 16 times, but he keeps standing back up! After losing concentration, I died, and having no fairy on me, meant it was a game over. After repeating this twice (with, of course, two failures), I got fed up with Zelda and decided to take a break.

After my brother got home, I asked him his strategy in beating Ganon.

He told me, that instead of using up magic for light arrows, I could roll between his legs and strike him that way. Also, when I got to the second part, I should use the Master Sword (which you retrieve after whacking him hard enough in the first section) instead of my super powerful Biggoron.

Long story short, I tried what my brother suggested...

And kicked Ganon's butt in a quarter of the time I was spending on my first two trials...

It made the battle difficult from a 10 to like a 3...

I only got hit once because I rolled into his leg, instead of between his legs (which is quite easy despite my initial skepticism).

I felt like face palming myself for not being able to figure it out. But I can finally say that I finished a classic! I was extremely irritated when I was unable to defeat the final boss, but I can now say that I am extremely glad that I was. =)

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