Tuesday 29 January 2013

Visited Sir Wilfrid Laurier

I woke up bright and early this morning to go visit my partner teachers at Sir Wilfrid Laurier. I wasn't quite sure which entrance was the main entrance, so I went through the biggest set of doors I could find. It turned out to be a set of side doors, that were facing the same direction as the front doors (the front doors were a lot smaller than the side doors).

Anyways, I got the chance to meet both of my partner teachers today and got some questions answered. I also had the chance to briefly watch one of the classes I'll be teaching. It brings back memories of my very first real practicum, since I'll be teaching Grade 8 again.

After my visit, I went to Uni to go over our 509 presentation for Thursday. I think we pretty much got it in the bag! Right after the meeting, I drove up to Notre Dame for a science lab workshop on making inquiry based labs out of the normal "cook book" labs. I had to say that it was an interesting experience and it did made me realize that I actually did do inquiry typed labs in IB... when I initially thought we did nothing special in IB. And in comparison to what we do in University labs, these labs in IB were definitely more inquiry based. I guess we didn't use the term inquiry, thus for me not knowing the word till I entered the education program (or maybe I just forgotten the term).

After the workshop, it was back to the university for 413 field meeting. Same old as any other field meeting.

And that wraps up my day!

Oh and bleeding canker sore in my mouth... it actually hurts >_<

And I didn't take a picture of Sir Wilfrid Laurier since it was quite chilly this morning.

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