Sunday 20 January 2013

Paradoxical indeed...

Presentation tomorrow, group poster in a couple days, but stuff should be done today, workshop for 509, applications to fill in, documents to be uploaded or photocopied, etc. I feel like there's a million things that I need to get done. Somehow, this stress isn't making me feel really stressed! I'm not sure if that's a good thing, or I simply just gave up, or I have gone completely insane from the "sudden" amount of work that's sitting on my plate... It's like I'm stressed, but not stressed.

Paradoxical indeed...

And I'm certainly confused...

Anyways, I had a pretty productive day. Got quite a bit of work done, such as finalizing my section for the poster, looking for my documents to upload for applytoeducation and adding some more touches to my powerpoint presentation for tomorrow.

Now off to sleep!

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