Monday 21 January 2013

I had a fancy title... but I forgot it...


For 510 today, I had my presentation. I've been working with a partner to discuss FASD. We picked this topic for two reasons. One, I find this topic to be particularly interesting since it's actually quite prevalent and hard to diagnose. Two, I wanted to get the presentation out of the way so I can focus on my other projects/work.

The presentation actually went quite well. I kinda felt like I was winging it since I was preoccupied with other tasks during the past couple of days. I hope we did pretty decent on it!

After 510, I had a meeting to discuss our 511 poster. We pretty much tidied up our content and made sure we covered the main points.

Then off to a info session that the Palliser region hosted. I never heard of this school board, but I had to say I really liked what they had to offer. Their induction program for new teachers seemed really neat since it sounded like new teachers are being integrated into their careers through a lot of mentoring and guidance from the board.

Either way, I'm off to sleep! Tired =/

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