Thursday 24 January 2013

Pretty short day in school

I tried waking up early, but I failed and ended up waking up at 8. =/

I got some work in, and an episode of Polar Bear Cafe and Gundam X.

Then it was school. We went over how we would assess our final assignment, and the purposes of assessment. That took about an hour or so. Very soon after, we got time to work on our project. Since my group is essentially down (just need supplies to create the kits now), we just worked on whatever other work we had at the moment. I left at around 2:30ish since I couldn't really work at school (and plus I had some things I had to take care of when I got home! Why not leave earlier and get them down =P)

And onto what I look forward to on every Thursday.


This arc just keeps on getting better and better!

I didn't know which pick to use! Both were extremely epic screen shots! I don't believe I've ever seen Gintoki this angry since the Four Diva's arc.

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