Wednesday 2 January 2013

Anime Day

I watched four episodes from four different anime series today! It's the first time I did something like this that I can remember! I don't think I ever accomplished such a feat as a child. First off, I watched an episode of Polar Bear Cafe. It's a hilarious comedy show that focuses around animals like a panda, polar bear, penguin, grizzly bear, llama, koala, sloth, tortoise, mandrill, and a whole bunch more. There's also humans in the show and they all seem to be able to talk to one another. Nevertheless, it's a great show that I watch as I eat breakfast each morning!

Next up, I watched an episode of The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. It was such a good episode (episode 12, since I have a free membership on crunchyroll... i'm an episode behind the premium people) due to the cliché, but heartwarming ending!

After that was Magi. It has a middle-eastern like setting about genies, magic and kingdoms. Not as good as the previous episodes but watchable enough!

Finally, one episode of After Wars Gundam X. So far so good! I'll probably talk more about the show once I'm done.

Here's my favorite picture from yesterday's shoot.
I love the bokeh in this shot! There's some glare on the rails, but the bokeh makes up for it in my opinion! =)

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