Wednesday 26 December 2018

Boxing Day 2018

Like the past 10 years or so now, I've slept in for Boxing Day. I did most of my shopping online for Boxing Day, so I didn't find a need to line up for sales. I ordered a few things from Memory Express, and being the cheap person that I am, I opted to pick up the items instead of spending $30 to have them ship it to me.

I would soon find out that I would regret doing that.

Before I get into that, I went to the gym relatively late and did some back and squats. I went out to eat a late lunch at Insadong before heading to Memory Express to pick up said items. It was about 4 PM and I assumed that lines would quiet down from the morning rush.

Boy was I wrong... we had to wait nearly 45 minutes to get to the front of the line. there were all sorts of people waiting for all sorts of items. One guy in front of me left when he was nearly at the front of the line. I'm guessing he had somewhere to go, but personally I thought it was a waste since it was literally 10 minutes from the cashiers.

By the time I reached the cashiers, it took about five minutes for them to collect what I ordered online. Personally, they're not spectacular deals, but the items I got were cheaper than I have ever seen them at ME, making it a somewhat justified purchase -- though I'm not sure all that waiting was worth my time.

Either way, items purchased and debt incurred, it was time to head on home. I proceeded to play Shadows of the Tomb Raider and some Monster Hunter World.

So much for work today, but tomorrow's another day!

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