Monday 24 December 2018

Christmas Eve 2018

Another late start to the day which was followed by a couple episodes of Zombieland Saga. It's a series that I picked up recently, and it turned what normally would have been associated with horror (ie: zombies) into a comedy. It's surprisingly good despite some cliches that are thrown around in the show.

Other than that, the gym was relatively busy in the afternoon. I met a few familiar faces that I haven't seen in a long time at the gym today! Shoulders and arms were somewhat rushed because I had to be home before 4 to start Boxing Day shopping online!

Sales aren't extraordinary, but I managed to purchase some things for myself. I then spent most of the evening on Shadows of the Tomb Raider and more Zombieland! I also finally finished Let's Go Eevee! The ending with Professor Oak was definitely hilarious.

Poor Professor =/

Other than that, just a few minutes to Christmas!

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