Saturday 1 December 2018

Upgrades Installed

Morning started with a lengthy session at the gym. I was getting my psoas treated, so stretching took about an hour. 135 lbs squats were somewhat enjoyable, though I cannot say the same for the rest of my exercises that were focused on hams and glutes today.

After the gym, I got home in the afternoon to upgrade my computer with the storage devices I bought recently. I don't notice a difference between going from a Kingston SSD to a Samsung SSD, but it's nice to have lots of space!

I also spent a couple of hours finishing an e-learning course that I have neglected over the past couple of months. I signed up for it at the beginning of October, but left everything till today since the closing date to get a certificate for completion is this coming Monday.

The night finished off with some more Rise of the Tomb Raider and Let's Go Eevee. Three badges down with five more to go!

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