Saturday 22 December 2018

First Day of Break

I started the first day of break by sleeping in -- last night or very early in the morning was spent unlocking the Behemoth quest in MHW.

I ate breakfast at a leisurely pace before heading to the gym for legs. 185 lbs was somewhat okay, though I felt my heels lifting again. I ended my sets by trying 225 lbs, but my core was extremely bad with some crazy lean. Nevertheless, something to work on... again.

After the gym, I head back to work to pick up some stuff that I forgot to pick up yesterday. After getting back home, I continued playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider (better beginning than the original and Rise in my opinion) and fought the Behemoth in MHW! It's a beast... out of the four tries so far, we've haven't defeated it yet. The closest we've gotten to was stage 4.

Perhaps tomorrow!

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