Thursday 20 December 2018

Still not solved...

Second last day before winter break starts! School was mostly ordinary besides a pizza party for my students and the premiere of our school's first movie created by the drama club. At the end of the day, we had our annual staff Christmas/holiday dinner.

I spent some time after dinner to get work done before leaving for the day. It's been a while since I've washed my car, so I was looking for a car wash along 52nd, which is a road I normally don't take in the evening, but only due to the massive amount of traffic on Deerfoot. I finally found a place on 68th ave, that my brother frequents back in the day. It seemed pretty run down compared to the one I usually go to, and the wand had difficulties swiveling. Either way, I got a decent wash, though there's some areas on my car that are still dirty.

Once I got home, I had more food before proceeding to try and fix my brother's 3DS. I tried modifying it last year, but to no success. Unfortunately, I was foolish enough to wipe the SD card with the jailbreak files, thus bricking the 3DS. I was trying to restore boot files to the 3DS, but with no luck after two hours. =/

Other than that, time for bed. One more day to go!

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