Wednesday 19 December 2018

Halfway through the last school week of 2018

Ordinary day at work besides meeting with the principal to go over my professional growth plan. I stopped by Little Caesar's to order pizza for the class party tomorrow. I was going to make life easy by ordering drinks there too, but it seemed like they increased their prices for pop. Therefore, I stopped by Safeway, which was next door to pick up pop. Sure, it's probably cheaper elsewhere but I didn't think it was worth the gas money.

Wednesday is back day, like any Wednesday. I kept it to mostly back, instead of integrating squats as well (I did some rehab squats with the band). Pull ups were tough, and it did feel like my back was screaming from a lack of nutrients.

I cautiously ate some solid food for dinner today, so let's see how it goes! I think I'm recovered...

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