Thursday 6 December 2018

I've never been offer that before

Work was ordinary, though I tried to get most things done during prep so I could leave work early (ended up leaving on time) to pick up a cake for my dad's birthday. For the past... 6 years now, I've been picking up a cake at Amandine, which my dad seems to prefer. It could be due to their cakes not being overly sweet or that the owner is Japanese.

After picking up the cake and some other pastries, I drove to the car wash. It's been over three weeks since I last washed my car, and it's high time for a wash, despite how messy the weekend is going to get with the melting snow. As I was washing my car, an employee at the next door mechanic shop (they own the car wash) stopped by my bay and was floating between my bay and the next bay. I have to admit it felt a bit weird, but at after time ran out, he held up a toonie and asked if I wanted more time. I never been offered additional time for free, so that was a first.

Since I've only been rinsing the dirt off my car, rather than using soap or anything, my initial toonie was more than enough so I declined his offer.

After getting home, and taking a shower, my dad told me about the International Space Station (ISS) sighting that was going to take place in a couple of minutes. We bundled up and walked onto our driveway to see the ISS pop up from the west and streak it's way east. It's been a while since my dad and I did some astro-gazing (I forgot the term). The ISS was obviously small, but easily spotted since nothing else was going that fast across the sky.

Other than that, I took a day off from the gym. It felt good to just sit here and not to anything, besides playing some Pokemon. I finished the Pokemon Tower at Lavender Town, and I knew what to expect (Cubone lamenting the loss of his mother, Marowak), but the 3D remake was heart-wrenching... especially as


Cubone reaches to touch Marowak's hand, though they never got the chance to touch since she found peace. Why couldn't they make contact... even if it's just for a few seconds?!? It was a nice touch to play a bit of the Pokemon Gold/Silver Lavender Town theme (which is quite a bit happier in tone) during this scene as a sense of moving on.

To help explain the scene, I'll link a video I found on YouTube with said scene.

Credits to Zephiel810, in which was the first link when I typed in "cubone mother death scene" into YouTube.

Where's my tissue box...

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