Tuesday 18 December 2018

It's still there...kinda!

I thought I was fully recovered, but eating solid foods did not go as well as I hoped it would. Either way, I kept it relatively simple at the gym with one plate (135 lbs) squats. Out of curiosity, I tried squatting 185 lbs for 3s and it didn't feel too bad at all. As a final challenge, I tried 225 lbs for singles, and it went up relatively quickly.

I don't think I'll be able to do 5 by 5s yet for 225, but something to work on. You think that not touching 315 in almost two years would spur me to push harder, but I guess it truly hasn't...

Other than the gym (work was ordinary), I managed to get some candy canes from Superstore, though not the ones I got last year. I must be too late this year, since Christmas is only a week away! I also filled up on gas, and was amazed at how cheap it was this week for me (under $40, though I only drove about 250 km).

Three more days!

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