Monday 10 December 2018

Burning Shoulders

Work was the ordinary affair. I'm teaching one to two classes now, which makes the day go by slower for me. I find it hard to do my own work while my student teacher is teaching since I sit with the students to observe how he's doing. Perhaps I need to isolate myself in a corner...

After work, I went to grab supplies for activities this week. Fortunately, Walmart had all the materials I need (my annual trip to the Deerfoot Centre to grab material), thus not having to go to the nearby superstore for Borax.

Four days off from the gym did wonders for me today. I was able to hit PR reps and sets: 10 sets of mostly 4 reps of 115 lbs (had 3 sets where I could only hit 3 reps). I never did so many, nor so heavy, so at least it's good to see progress. That costed me for arms though, since I had issues curling and doing triceps.

Either way, off to sleep!

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