Saturday 29 December 2018

Feels like vacation...`

I cannot recall the last time I cooked/had someone cook me something during vacation. It often involves going out to eat, or buying pre-made meals at the supermarket. As for the last couple days, I've been going out to eat lunch or dinner or both like today! It's a great way to meet up with people I haven't seen in a while.

Leg day at the gym went by quickly. Squats were feeling alright, though apparently I was slanting once again. =(

Oh, I forgot to mention that I manage to finish Shadow of the Tomb Raider late last night. A great game, though I breezed through it surprisingly fast. Perhaps I should have challenged myself and set the difficult level higher. I feel slightly empty knowing that I finished the trilogy. It started in October with the purchase of a new graphics card, and it has been a fun ride going through Lara's journey as she started off somewhat timid into a hardened survivor.

Either way, one week almost done, with one more to go! It's certainly time to get started on work.

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