Thursday 13 December 2018

I guess it's about time...

Despite being around sick people for the past month, I have been pretty lucky in that I haven't caught a cold/flu/etc. When I got home from work (an ordinary day once again), I was feeling great, until all of a sudden I felt really fatigued and my body started to ache.

I was contemplating whether I should go to the gym or not, and the gym I did go to... though after one set of 135 lbs, I was doubled over from fatigued. Not wanting to go home after making the trip (despite it being only about 5 minutes away from my house), I stretched for a good hour before coming home.

And now I feel extremely cold, and sore... and fatigued...

I'm hoping that it was due to an extraneous session at the gym yesterday, but I'll have to see tomorrow.

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