Saturday 8 December 2018

Spicy Crab

School went like any other day, except for the afternoon. My grade 8s were partnering up with grade 4s for a health and wellness event that the grade 4 team planned a while back. Essentially, the older students were working with the younger students to create a structure out of spaghetti and marshmallows (something I do with the grade 7s for Structures and Forces). I was apprehensive at first, since I didn't know how some of my male students would act, but it went really well in my eyes. It was touching to see, normally rambunctious students, working with their younger peers in a respectful manner.

For my last class: Robotics 7, it was nice to see what I thought would be the weakest group (in terms of academic standings and behavior) actually managed to finish building their robot on time, while some of my other stronger groups did not. I guess it shows that you can definitely not judge a book by its cover.

For the evening, I went out to celebrate a friend's birthday. Dinner was served at a Szechaun restaurant down in the south. The restaurant was known for their crab and fish, so those two were part of our dinner itinerary. The crab was quite tasty and not overly spicy, which surprised me since I was expecting the numbing pain that comes with Szechaun food. Afterwards, there were board games to be played, in which I learned a new game that I never played before: Deception. Pretty fun, though it took me a while to get the hang of it.

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